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Hosting Organization

BIT Congress lnc.

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The World Congress of Energy Storage-2021 (WCES-2021), with the theme of "Dedicated to Building Global Green Energy Ecosystem", will be held during August 26-28, at Dalian, China.

This unique international conference creates a great platform for researches, scientists, academicians, and industry experts to share experiences, discuss research findings and acquire the desired knowledge for practical exercise. WCES-2021 is a dedicated event where you will have the opportunity to learn about new developments in the field of energy storage and its application at a clean energy area and share aspects of your work. With the participation of outstanding international experts, we hope productive discussions would stimulate new creative ideas to translate discoveries into better practice and application. We hope your participation would contribute to your professional development and relationships.
We wish you enjoy the conference!


● 200+ Bright Minds Give Talks on the Hot Topics in Advanced Materials
● 100+ Exhibitors Showcasing the Emerging New Products and Technologies to Audience of over 600 People
● 3 days of Conference and Networking
● Cutting-edge Keynote Addresses by Prominent Leaders from China and Abroad
● Disseminate Your Project, Present Your Activities and Meet Partners for Future Collaboration at the WCES-2021
● Opportunities to Visit Natural and Cultural Landscapes in China


Renowned Speakers of Previous Events

Dr. Tatsuhiko Fujihira,

Fuji Electric Co., Ltd

Dr. HaiXia Zhang,

Peking University

Dr. Hossam A. Gabbar,

University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Mr. Jonathan J. Dogterom,

MaRS Discovery District

Dr. John P. Lemmon,

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Mr. Paul Siblerud,

ViZn Energy Systems Inc

Professor Elena Shembel,

Enerize Corporation

Mr. Tim Lindquist,



Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

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Contact Us

Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China

Tel: 0086-411-84799609 EXT 836

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