NanoBioX 2021


Nano S & T's Inaugural Summit on NanoBioX 2021 (NanoBioX-2021) will provide a platform for scientists, researchers and industrial experts worldwide to share technological advancements and business experiences. This international conference offers the business leaders, researchers and entrepreneurs around the world to meet and exchange ideas in research technologies, finding gaps in the nanotechnology development and collaborate for future business. It serves as a great opportunity to find global partners and build up research and business relations. 
The conference is an effective series of activities such as Scientific Program, Exhibitions, Posters and Tours etc.


To Invite 200+ World Class Distinguished Experts Offering Excellent oral Presentations on Frontiers of Modern Nanobiotech, Bionanotech and Nanomedicine

To Bring 50 Young Talented Scientists and Engineers for Hot Paper Briefing in the Nanobio Fields

To Attract 300 Professional Participants Joining the Interactive Network

To Organize 50 Exhibitors Showcasing Innovative Technologies and Products in Emerging Nanobiotech Industry

To Support Dynamic Poster Sessions from 50 Young Bioscientists

To Provide Social Practicing Opportunities for 20-30 Undergraduate and Graduate Student Volunteers

To Offer 100 Free Registration Award for International Outstanding Young Bioscientists to Attending NanoBioX-2021

To Invite 10 International Professional Media Promoting NanoBioX-2021

Renowned Speakers of Previous Events

Dr. Norbert Kroo

Academician of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Former Vice-President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Hungary

Dr. Soon Hyung Hong

Members of the Korea Academy of Science and Technology; Professor and Vice President, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), South Korea

Dr. Chin Albert

IEEE Fellow, Optical Society of America Fellow, Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials Academician; Members of the Korea Academy of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Dr. Jean Marie Basset

Member of the European Academy of Sciences European Academy of Sciences; Professor, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Catalysis Research Center, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Dieter Bimberg

Founding Director, Center of NanoPhotonics, Germany; Bimberg Chinese-German Center for Green Photonics of CAS, China

Dr. Ir. Dr. h. c. Marcel Van De Voorde

Professor, the University of Technology in Delft, The Netherlands

Dr. Richard DeLaRue

Honorary Professor of Optoelectronics, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK

Dr. Herbert Gleiter

Honorary Adviser, Founder and Former Director, Research Center Karlsruhe, KIT - Campus Nord, Germany

Dr. Lars Thylen

Professor Emeritus, Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Dr. Sushanta K. Mitra

Executive Director, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada

Professor Cor Claeys

Fellow IEEE, Fellow ECS, Director, IMEC, KU Leuven, Belgium

Professor Gehan Amaratunga

Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering; Professor of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK

Dr. Nikolay Lyakhov

Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences; Director, Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry, SB RAS, Russia

Professor William Milne

Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering; Emeritus Professor, University of Cambridge, UK

Dr. Vladimir Falko

Professor of Theoretical Physics, Research Director of the NGI, Co-Director for the Graphene NOWNANO Centre, University of Manchester, UK

Dr. Lih J. Chen

Academician & President, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


● Eminent Scientists of Bionanosciences and Nanobiotechnology
● Bionanosciences and Nanobiotechnology Research Professors and Research Fellows 
● Students from Bionanosciences and Nanobiotechnology
● Directors of Bionanosciences and Nanobiotechnology Companies
● Bionanosciences and Nanobiotechnology Engineers 
● Members of Different Bionanosciences & Nanobiotechnology Associations


Dalian is a beautiful, modern and bustling city in Northern China. It has gorgeous parks and a lovely surrounding coastline, furthermore, the city is famous for seafood as well, and spring is the most pleasant season for a visit. The World Class Dalian International Convention Center is also the main official venue for the Summer Davos-World Economic Forum. It integrates conference, exhibition and catering functions. Beyond above, there would be also an opportunity to travel to other Chinese cities and present lectures.

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BIT Congress Inc.

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Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
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