WEFA 2021 | Seoul, South Korea
★ Scientific Program


Theme 4: SDG Thematic Blueprint
-Engineering Making the Whole World a Better Place

Call for Speakers about the following themes:

Goal 1: Engineering Making No Poverty   
Goal 2: Engineering Productive Foods for Zero Hunger   
Goal 3: Smart Engineering Improving Good Health and Well-being
Goal 4: Engineering Enabling Quality Education   
Goal 5: Engineering Optimizing Gender Equality   
Goal 6: Engineering Securing Clean Water and Sanitation
Goal 7: Engineering Facilitating Affordable and Clean Energy   
Goal 8: Engineering Innovating Decent Work and Economic Growth   
Goal 9: Engineering Transforming Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Goal 10: Engineering Supporting Reduced Inequality   
Goal 11: Engineering Empowering Sustainable Cities and Communities   
Goal 12: Engineering Rationalizing Responsible Consumption and Production
Goal 13: Engineering Assisting Climate Action   
Goal 14: Engineering Enabling Life Below Water   
Goal 15: Smart Engineering Improving Life on Land
Goal 16: Engineering Creating Peace and Justice Strong Institutions   
Goal 17: Engineering Forging Global Partnerships    
Goal 18: Engineering Accelerating Better Society

Online Registration
News Release
Save Up To $200 Before December 25
● Call for Co-organizers
● Speaking Proposals are now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now
● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance and enjoy favorable discount    
●Call for SAB members
Hosting Organization

BIT Congress Inc.

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