WSC 2021 | South Korea
About Conference

It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend BIT's 1st World Summit of COVID-19 (WSC-2021), which will be held in South Korea during August 19-22, 2021.  
Facing the severe condition of the COVID-2019 outbreak, it has brought us more gratitude and inspiration for reopening. We would like to express our deep appreciation to your contribution and supports for fighting the COVID-19. WSC-2021 will be a global platform for international leaders and researchers to share scientific insights and the latest data of the COVID-19 pandemic; In order to promot international cooperation among the world pioneers in the field of the global public health warfield. 



● Invite World Class Experts to Offer Plenary Lectures in both Leadership and Innovations
● Design 50 +Topics of Oral Presentations to Showcase Current Research Developments
● Bring 150+ Speakers to Present Their Latest Achievements
● Gather at Least 30 Exhibitors in Cutting-edge Technologies and Novel Products

Exhibition and Poster

WSC-2021 provides an ideal platform to showcase your novel technologies and products. It is developed to offer comfort to delegates while maximizing exhibitor exposure, the coffee breaks and poster sessions will all take place in the exhibition area promoting frequent repeated opportunities for delegates to visit the exhibits.

Why Reserve a Booth at WSC-2021?
● To Meet Face-to-Face with the International Movers and Shakers
● To Meet with Key Decision Marker
● To Explore Business Opportunities
● To Spotlight Advanced Technologies and Their Scientific and Commercial Applications
● To Take Advantage of the Conference's Captive Audience and Networking Opportunities within the Exhibition Hall


Exhibition Date:
Set-up date: August 18, 2021
Show dates: August 19-22, 2021
Place: South Korea

Joint Events

World Health Conference

7th Annual World Congress of

18th Annual International
Drug Discovery S & T

3rd World Conference of

13th Annual World
Cancer Congress

10th Annual Congress of

11th Annual Congress of

14th World Congress of


Online Registration
News Release
● Call for Session Chairs, Speakers and Attendees
● Speaking Proposals are now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now
● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance and enjoy favorable discount    
● Call for collaborative partners, medias and journals
Hosting Organization

Information Research Center of International Talent, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Operating Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.

Cooperative Oganiazation
©2019-2021 All rights reserved by BIT Congress Inc.
Contact Us: Tel: 86-(0)41184799625, Fax: 0086-411-84799629,
Dalian Life Science Innovation Center, 43 Torch Road, Building 2, Floor 3, Dalian, LN 116023 China