★ Scientific Program


Scientific Program

Keynote Forum

Track 1

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Track 9


Track 6: Mass Spectrometry


Session 601: New Breakthrough in Mass Spectrometry

Time: Afternoon, May 18, 2022 (Wednesday)



Dr. Damodara Rao Mendu, Scientific Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratories, USA


Dr. Yutai Li, Principal Scientist, Merck, USA


Speeches and Speakers


Chair's Introduction


Title: Mass Spectrometry and Improving the Lives of Many
Dr. Lieza Danan-Leonm, Senior Scientist, Stemcentrx in South San Francisco, USA


Title: Development and Validation of LMD/LC-MS/MS Assay for Amyloid Protein Identification in FFPE Tissue Specimens
Dr. Damodara Rao Mendu, Scientific Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratories, USA


Title: TBD
Dr. Danilo A. Tagle, Associate Director, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, USA


Title: Nature Reviews Chemistry on Affinity Selection Mass Spectrometry
Dr. Didier Roche,
VP Strategic Innovation, EDELRIS, France


Coffee Break


Title: TBD
Dr. Yutai Li, Principal Scientist, Merck, USA


Title: TBD
Dr. Somok Mondal, Indian Institute of Technology, USA

16:20-16:45 Title: Exploring the Great Unknown: Environmental Characterization using High-Resolution MS
Dr. Shane A. Snyder,
Nanyang Environment  Water Research Institut, Singapore
16:45-17:10 Speech Opportunity Available



Session 602: LC / GC-MS and ICP-MS

Time: Afternoon, May 19, 2022 (Thursday)



Dr. Philippe Bulet, Research Director, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, CR Inserm U1209, CNRS UMR5309, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France
Co-chair Dr. Ciprian Mihai Cirtiu, Head of Trace Metals Division, Institut National de Sante Publique du Quebec, Canada


Speeches and Speakers


Chair's Introduction

13:35-14:00 Session Keynote Speech
Roles of Chromatography in Developing Traditional Herbal/ Ayurvedic Medicines (Phytomedicines)
Dr. Ramesh C. Pandey,
Founder and Chairman & President and CEO, GDP Ayurvedic University, USA


Title: MALDI Profiling Applied to Bee Health Monitoring in Response to Multifactorial Stressors

Dr. Philippe Bulet, Research Director, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, CR Inserm U1209, CNRS UMR5309, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France


Title: Evaluation of the Disappearance of Cyanogen and Hydrogen Cyanide in Different Soil Types Using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
Dr. Wenwen Zhou and Dr. Baotong Li, Professor, Jiangxi Agricultural University, China


Title: Residue Analysis of Tetraniliprole in Rice and Related Environmental Samples by HPLC/MS
Mr. Wei Li and Dr. Limei Tang, Professor, Jiangxi Agricultural University, China


Coffee Break


Title: Progress in the Analysis of Metal Nanoparticles to Assess Human Exposure
Dr. Ciprian Mihai Cirtiu, Head of Trace Metals Division, Institut National de Sante Publique du Quebec, Canada
15:55-16:20 Title: Fundamentals of Robust ICPMS with x10 Sensitivity Improvement, ½ of Ar Consumption Capable of Measuring 100 Samples Per Hour, Delivering 0.01% Isotopic Ratio Precision
Dr. Iouri Kalinitchenko, ICPMS R&D Manager Analytik Jena, Germany

Title: ZIKA NS2B-NS3 Protease Activity Studied by iTRAQ Labelling with HPG-ALD Peptide Selection and NanoLC-MS/MS Analysis
Dr. Piotr Suder, Senior Scientist, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

16:45-17:10 Title: Quantification of cocaine in banknotes via LC-MS to evaluate circulation of cocaine in Italy
Dr. Teresa Cecchi, Assistant Professor, Accademia Delle Scienze dell istituto di Bologna, Italy

Speech Opportunity Available



Dr.Reiko Kuroda
Professor, Chubu University, Japan
Hosting Organization

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