BIT's 9th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology (CMCB-2019)
★ Scientific Program
Preliminary Program
Session times on those days will not be finalized until the overall program schedule is completed.

Program Tracks
(Please click each Track for detailed program information)
Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum
Theme 1: Breaking Research in Molecular & Cell Biology
Theme 2: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Theme 3: Disruptive Technology for Molecular & Cell Biology
Theme 4: Molecular & Cell Biology in Drug R & D and Medicine

Theme 3: Disruptive Technology for Molecular & Cell Biology

Theme 301: Disruptive Technology for Molecular & Cell Biology
Time: 09:00-11:40, October 26, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Singapore


Dr. Toshifumi Tsukahara, Professor, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

Dr. Jaishree Paul, Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Chair’s Introduction

Title: Application of Microarray in the Prediction of Disease Severity Using microRNA Expression Profiling

Dr. Jaishree Paul, Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India


Title: Genetic Code Restoration by Using Artificial RNA Editing for G-to-A mutated mRNAs.

Dr. Toshifumi Tsukahara, Professor, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan


Title: Artificial RNA Editing in (BFP) Blue Fluorescence Protein (derivative of GFP) by Using AID deaminase for Restoration of Genetic Code
Ms. Sonali Bhakta, Doctora Student, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan


Coffee Break

Title: Highly Sensitive Diagnosis of Influenza by Digital Assay

Dr. Kazuhito Tabata, Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan


Title: Enzymatic Sensor for Early Diagnosis of Inflammatory Diseases

Dr. Ivan Kochish, Chief Researcher, World's Poultry Science Association, Russian Branch, Russian National Research Medical University, Russia

Title:Enzymatic Sensor Detects Some Forms of Nitric Oxide Donors Undetectable by Other Methods in Living Tissues
Dr. Vladimir Titov, Chief Researcher, World's Poultry Science Association, Russian Branch , Russian National Research Medical University, Russia

Speech Opportunity Available 
Abstract and Biography: Submit Here


Online Registration
News Released

● The scientific program has updated
● Call for speakers, exhibitors and sponsors worldwide.
● Call for media partners and advertiser worldwide.     
● Call for paper

Hosting Organization

National Foreign Experts Databank of MOST (Dalian Branch)

Operating Organization

BIT Group Global Ltd.

Official Travel Agency

BIT World Travel Service, Inc.

Honorary Chairmen

Dr. Bhanu P. Jena
George E. Palade University Professor & Distinguished Professor
Wayne State University 
School of Medicine, USA

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