Program Streams (Please click each Stream for detailed program information) |
Opening Ceremony & Keynote Forum |
Stream 1: Frontiers in Neuroscience& Neurology |
Stream 2: Novel Neurotechnologies |
Stream 3: Translational and Clinical Neuroscience |
Stream 4: Promising Neurotherapeutics and Neurorehabilitation |
Stream 5: Posters and Papers |
Stream 6: Social and Cultural Activities |
Stream 5: Posters and Papers
Time: May 16-18, 2018 |
Title: Eye-movement Pattern, Rapid Automatic Naming and Nonverbal IQ Tasks in Adolescents with Intellectual Disability |
Title: Glutathione Deficiency and Alterations in the Levels of Sulfur-containing Amino Acids in Rat Tissues During Early Postnatal Life as Markers of Schizophrenia-like Behavior in Adulthood |
Title: The Effect of Aripiprazole in Adult Sprague-dawley Rats on the Schizophrenia-like Behavior Induced by Glutathione Deficit During Early Postnatal Development |
Title: Verification of the Effectiveness of a Piston Finger Device for Restoring the Motor Function of Chronic Plegic Fingers |
Title: Verification of the Effectiveness of Constraint-induced Movement Therapy for Severe Plegic Hands using a Rehabilitation Assist Robot |
Title: The Aquilariae Lignum Protects Hippocampal Oxidative Injury in a Chronic Stress Mouse Model |
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Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau
Belgian Society of Neurosurgery
Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Add: East Area, F11, Building 1, Dalian Ascendas IT Park, 1 Hui Xian Yuan, Dalian Hi-tech Industrial Zone, LN 116025, China
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