WBIC-2023 | Japan

Online Registration

Speakers Formal Registration

Program Layout

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Abstract Format Download

Media Partners

Scientific Program

 The conference schedule is available at  https://www.bitcongress.com/WBIC2023-sapporo/Schedule.asp


    *  Please save your speech PPT both in USB disk and email address, no need to send it to the committee's side
   **  Please copy your presentation slides to the computer of the meeting room 10-15 min ahead of the session
   ***  The screen ratio of laptop in every meeting room is 4:3

   ****  The speech is 20 min including around 3-5 min Q&A time



Time: 10:00-21:00, November 14;      Place: Lobby, 1F, Hotel emisia Sapporo

Time: 08:00-18:00, November 15-16; Place: 4F, Hotel emisia Sapporo

Time: 08:00-13:00, November 17;      Place: 4F, Hotel emisia Sapporo


Opening Ceremony

Time: 09:00-09:15, November 15, 2023 (Wednesday); Place: Pastel, 2F, Hotel emisia Sapporo


Keynote Forum

Time: 09:15-12:00, November 15, 2023 (Wednesday); Place: Pastel, 2F, Hotel emisia Sapporo



Dr. Ying Xia, Professor, Fudan University, China



Moderator's Introduction


Dr. Peter Ricketts, President and Vice-Chancellor, Acadia University, Canada


Dr. Amir M. Sharif, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Professor, University of Bradford, UK


Dr. John Sansalone, Professor, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, University of Florida, USA


Dr. Hiroshi Ishida, Professor University of Tokyo, Japan


Dr. Kausalai (Kay) Wijekumar, Houston Endowed Chair, Texas A&M University, USA


Dr. Kiyoshi Nokihara, Founder & CEO/CSO, HiPep Laboratories, Japan; The First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University, China


Dr. Shrikant M. Mane, Professor, Yale School of Medicine, USA


Dr. Ying Xia, Professor, Fudan University, China


WBIC 01: Innovative Biotechnology and Emerging Medicine Applications

Time: Afternoon, November 16, 2023 (Thursday); Place: SymphonyD, 4F, Hotel emisia Sapporo



Dr. Maciej Guzik, Professor, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis, Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland


Dr. Nailya Chaizhunusova, Professor, Semey Medical University, Kazakhstan


Group Photo


Chair's Introduction


Title: Influence of Internal and External Ionizing Radiation on Gene Expression of the Reproductive System of Male Laboratory Animals

Dr. Nailya Chaizhunusova, Professor, Semey Medical University, Kazakhstan


Title: Influence of Internal and External Ionizing Radiation on Morphological Changesof the Reproductive System of Male Laboratory Animals

Dr. Dariya Shabdarbayeva, Professor, Semey Medical University, Kazakhstan


Title: Metabolomics for the Detection of Early-Stage Cancers

Dr. Kanury V. S. Rao, Chief Scientific Officer, PredOmix Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India


Title: The Development of Optimized Magnesium Calcium Alloy Composites in Artificial Bone Restorations

Dr. Song-Jeng Huang, Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan


Title: Laser Speckle Imagining Technology for Rapid Determination of Antibacterial Resistance

Dr. Aigars Reinis, Assistant Professor, Riga Stradins University, Latvia


Coffee Break


Title: Exploring Novel Biomaterials: Harnessing the Potential of Poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate) for Advanced Wound Dressings

Dr. Maciej Guzik, Professor, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis, Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland


Title: Novel Pathways for Penicillin Synthesis: Chemical and Enzymatic Modifications of 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid Using Bacterial-Derived 3-Hydroxy Acids

Dr. Justyna Prajsnar, Research Assistant, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, PAS, Poland


Title: The Examination of Job Separation Tendency of Nursing Staff in the First Public-Private Joint-Venture Hospital in Taiwan: A Multiple Mediation Model of Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

Dr. Chiwei Chen, Professor, Zhaoqing University, China


Title: New Platform for Creation of Vaccines against of Respiratory Virus Infections

Dr. Igor V. Krasilnikov, Professor, Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza, Russia


Title: Exosomes and Acute Soft Tissue/Skeletal Muscle Injury

Dr. Hongchang Yang, Professor, Hohai University, China  Video Speech


WBIC 02: Video Forum


Title: Combined HUMSC Burden Tandab CD3/CD19 with IDO Inhibitor for B Cell Lymphoma Treatment

Dr. Yanjun Zhang, Associate Professor, Institute of Hematology & Hospital of Blood Diseases, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, China


Title: In vitro Cultures of Schisandra Chinensis and S. Rubriflora as a Potential Rich Source of Bioactive Lignans

Dr. Agnieszka Szopa, Assistant Professor, Jagiellonian University, Poland


Title: Hepatic Stem/Progenitor Cells Contribute to Postoperative Liver Regeneration after ALPPS

Dr. Xu-Dong Wen, Physician, The First Affiliated Hospital of Third Military Medical University, China


Title: Cytokine Storm in tuberculosis and IL-6 Involvement

Dr. Funmilayo Grace Boni, Southwest University, China


Title: Direct S‑Poly (T) Plus Assay in Quantification of microRN as Without RNA Extraction and Its Implications in Colorectal Cancer Biomarker Studies

Dr. Kang Kang, Shenzhen University, China


Title: Emerging Role of CSC-derived Exosomes in Cancer Metabolism

Dr. Yonglei Liu, Zhongshan Hospital Qingpu Branch, Fudan University, China


WBIC 03: Paper Abstracts


Title: Biopiracy in Brazil

Dr. Fernanda Regina Vilares, Professor, Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School, Brazil


Title: The Challenges of Biodiversity Protection in Brazil

Dr. Vladimir P. Freitas, Professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Brazil


Title: Study on the Function and Regulation Mechanism of Protein Posttranslational Modifications via Chemical Biology Approaches

Dr. Xiucong Bao, Research Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China


Title: Autologous Activation of Anti-Stress Gene Function in Humans

Dr. Semenkov Victor, Professor, Russian Medical University, Russia


Title: Eco-Geomorphological Responses to Climate Change along a Rainfall Gradient, at a Desert Fringe along the Northern Negev Desert, Israel

Dr. Aaron Yair, Professor & Head of Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


Title: Inhibition of IRF5 with Novel Cell-Penetrating Peptides That Disrupt Dimerization

Dr. Seng-Lai Tan, Chief Scientific Officer, Immunitas Therapeutics, USA


Title: Electroacupuncture Relieves Portal Hypertension by Improving Vascular Angiogenesis in Cholestasis Induced Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis Rats

Dr. Tzung-Yan Lee, Professor, Chang Gung University, Taiwan


Title: ACL or PCL Reconstruction with Modified Rounded Rectangular Shape Dilator

Dr. Young Bok Jung, Professor, Hyundae General Hospital, South Korea




Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

Abstract Format Download


Contact Us

Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China

Tel: 0086-411-84799609 EXT 816

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