BIT's World Congress of 5G Communication(WCGM-2021)
★ Program Layout

Keynote Forum


Stream 1: Global Strategies and Future Market Trends

Session 101: Global 5G Strategies, Regulations and Standards        

Session 102: 5G and Digital Economy

Session 103: Global 5G Future Market Trends


Stream 2: New 5G Enabling Technologies

Session 201: New Architectures and Protocols        

Session 202: New Wireless Sensors        

Session 203: 5G Base Station Deployment        

Session 204: Mobile Edge Computing        

Session 205: Advanced 5G Chips

Session 206: 5G Smart Terminals and Smartphone

Session 207: AI, Big Data and 5G

Session 208: 5G Safety


Stream 3: Novel Applications

Session 301: The Impact of 5G on Digital Infrastructure        

Session 302: 5G & Smart Transportation        

Session 303: 5G Powered Smart Cities        

Session 304: Smart Healthcare        

Session 305: 5G+Smart Education

Session 306: 5G and VR/AR, Gaming

Session 307: 5G and Social Media

Session 308: 5G for Smart Life

Online Registration
News Release
● Call for Session Chairs, Speakers and Attendees
● Speaking Proposals are now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now
● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance and enjoy favorable discount    
●Call for collaborative partners, medias and journals
Hosting Organization

Information Research Center of International Talent, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Operating Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.

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