Online Registration
Hosting Organization
Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)
International Honorary Chairmen
Dr. Vladimir Lazar
Chief Scientific and Operating Officer WIN Consortium, France
Dr. Ashok Srivastava
Chief Executive Officer & Chief Medical Officer, ClinFomatrix, Cure Pharmaceuticals, Inc, USA
Overseas Cooperate Medias and Journals
Rescheduled Notice
With cases of Covid-19 reaching new heights in the world, some states have to adapt rapidly with their rules and regulations. After seeking advice from the some agency and venue hotel in Seoul, also considering the traffic control and epidemic prevention, the committee must admit this August is not a good time for holding an event. So after serious consideration, the organizing committee decides to postpone this meeting to next Oct. 19-21 at Seoul, South Korea. Sincerely hope you can understand such a demanded action.
Apart from protecting our participants, rescheduling non-essential gathering and travel also aims to contain the spread of coronavirus disease and protect the health system which will otherwise be overwhelmed. Thank you very much for your understanding in the complex situation.
Event Committee
Highlights of WCRF-2021
● Organize up to 200+ Oral Presentations on the Latest Tech Trend of Cancer Research
● 500+ Attendees Coming from All over the World to Exchange Ideas, Build New Networks, and Foster Friendships
● Learn Global Market Trends for Advanced Cancer Research
● Cutting-edge Keynote Addresses by Prominent Leaders from All over the World
● Opportunities to Visit the Local Natural and Cultural Landscapes
News Released
Call for
Call for
Supporting Organizations
Program Layout
Call for
Exhibitors and Sponsors
Call for
Session Chairs
Renowned Speakers
Dr. Yi Sun
Professor, University of Michigan, Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA
Dr. Sinerik Ayrapetyan
Professor, UNESCO Chair-Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, Armenia
Dr. Zoe S. Walters
Lecturer & Programme Lead , Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Ioannis Papasotiriou
Medical Director, Director, R.G.C.C. INTERNATIONAL GmbH, Switzerland
Dr. Qingyan Au
Principal Scientist, NeoGenomics Laboratories, Inc., USA
Dr. Shaul Mordechai
Professor & Head, Biomedical Spectroscopy, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Dr. Timothy N Hembree
Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, USA
Dr. Femida Gwadry-Sridhar
CEO & Founder, Pulse Infoframe Inc., Canada
Dr. Robert L. Bard
Director, Bard Cancer Diagnostics, USA
Dr. Birgit Leibbrand
Medical Director, Salzetalklinik, Onkologische Rehabilitation, Germany
Dr. Iouri Borissevitch
Full Professor, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Mohamed El-Sheemy
Research Development, Lincoln County Hospital, UK
Dr. Paul De Leyn
Chairman, UZ Leuven, Belgium
Dr. Mitsuru Sasako
Special Consultant Surgeon Yodogawa Christian Hospital, Japan
Dr. Katya Ravid
Professor, Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Weiping Zhang
Director, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, China
Dr. Hillary Klonoff-Cohen
Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dr. Chi-Min Shih
General Pathologist Chia-Yi Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan
Dr. Michael Friedrich
Head, HELIOS Hospital, Germany
Dr. Tomiyo Nakamura
Professor, Ryukoku University, Japan
Contact Us
Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799606
Fax: +86-411-84575250
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