★ Scientific Programme

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3


Session 103: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Bettery Materials

Time: 08:30-12:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

08:30-08:35 Chair's Introduction
08:35-09:00 Speech Opportunity Available
09:00-09:25 Speech Opportunity Available
09:25-09:50 Title: TBD
Dr. Shivaraj Yellappa,
Associate Professor, Government Science College, India
09:50-10:15 Title: Nanostructured Titanates for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Dr. Nicoleta Cioatera,
Senior Lecturer, University of Craiove, Romania


Session 104: Solar Cells and Photovoltaic Materials

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Title: Solar Cells Technologies and Materials Challenges
Mr. Nabih Cherradi,
Founder, Empowersun, Switzerland

14:00-14:25 Speech Opportunity Available
14:25-14:50 Title: Theoretical Analysis of Nonlinear Fluid-structure Interaction between Large-scale Polymer Offshore Floating Photovoltaics and Waves
Mr. Pengpeng Xu,
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
14:50-15:15 Title: Recent Developments in Solar Energy Power Generation Under Partial Shading Conditions
Dr. Mohamed Etarhouni,
Physics and Engineering Lecturer, Teesside University, UK



Session 105: Catalytic Materials

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Title: TBD
Dr. Rosalinda Mazzei,
CNR-ITM, C/o University of Calabria, Italy
14:00-14:25 Speech Opportunity Available
14:25-14:50 Title: TBD
Ms. Mahsasadat Boraghi,
Research/Teaching Assistant, Ohio University, USA
14:50-15:15 Title: Photo-degradation of Organic Pollutants by Ag Decorated FeVO4/g-C3N4 Nanocomposite under Peroxymonosulfate Activation
Dr. Ghulam Abbas Ashraf,
Zhejiang Normal University, China



Session 106: Eco-materials and Green Materials

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Keynote Speech
Novel Hierarchical Structured Membranes with Enhanced Air Filtration Performance
Dr. Zhaoxiang Zhong,
Dean, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, China
14:00-14:25 Title: Biodegradable Polyhydroxyalkanoates- An Important Biopolymer for the Coming Era
Dr. Sankar Narayan Sinha,
Professor, University of Kalyani, India
14:25-14:50 Title: Magnetic Biochar Catalyst Derived from Biological Sludge and Ferric Sludge Using Hydrothermal Carbonization: Preparation, Characterization and Its Circulation in Fenton Process for Dyeing Wastewater Treatment
Dr. He Zhang,
Lecturer, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
14:50-15:15 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 204: MOF and Porous Materials

Time: 08:30-12:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

08:30-08:35 Chair's Introduction
08:35-09:00 Speech Opportunity Available
09:00-09:25 Speech Opportunity Available
09:25-09:50 Speech Opportunity Available
09:50-10:15 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 205: Advanced Fibers and Textiles

Time: 08:30-12:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

08:30-08:35 Chair's Introduction
08:35-09:00 Speech Opportunity Available
09:00-09:25 Title: Electrospinning – Functional Nanofibres for Next Generation Products
Dr. Iain Hosie,
Director, Nanolayr Ltd, New Zealand
09:25-09:50 Speech Opportunity Available
09:50-10:15 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 206: Advanced Sensors

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Speech Opportunity Available
14:00-14:25 Speech Opportunity Available
14:25-14:50 Title: Microstructured Pressure or Strain Sensor with Low Young's Modulus Materials
Dr. Zhen Yuan,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
14:50-15:15 Speech Opportunity Available



 Session 305: Polymer Materials

Time: 08:30-12:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

08:30-08:35 Chair's Introduction
08:35-09:00 Speech Opportunity Available
09:00-09:25 Speech Opportunity Available
09:25-09:50 Speech Opportunity Available
09:50-10:15 Speech Opportunity Available



Session 306: Novel Coatings and Thin Film

Time: 08:30-12:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Dr. Matthieu Cavellier,  CEO & Founder, Omega Physics, USA


Speeches and Speakers

08:30-08:35 Chair's Introduction
08:35-09:00 Speech Opportunity Available
09:00-09:25 Title: Surface Improvement of Metals by Ion Beam Implantation: Recent Progress and Examples of Industrial Applications
Dr. Matthieu Cavellier
, CEO & Founder, Omega Physics, USA
09:25-09:50 Title: Effect of Different Mechanical, Thermal and Chemical Treatment of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) based Hybrid Coating on Low Alloy Steel
Dr. Tapan K. Rout,
Principal Scientist and Project Leader, Tata Steel Research and Development, the Netherlands
09:50-10:15 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 307: Green Building Materials

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Speech Opportunity Available
14:00-14:25 Speech Opportunity Available
14:25-14:50 Title: Utilizing of Tire Pyrolysis oil (TPO) as an Alternative for Conventional Crumb Rubber in Bitumen Modification
Dr. Abdulnaser Al-Sabaeei,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
14:50-15:15 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 308: Automotive and Aerospace Materials

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Speech Opportunity Available
14:00-14:25 Title: Challenges to Automotive Interior Design: The Future Is Much More Than Technology—It's About People
Dr. Susana C. F. Fernandes,
Professor, Polytechnic Institute of Maia – IPMAIA, Portugal
14:25-14:50 Title: Sensitivity Analysis of Laser Quenching Parameters of ASTM 1045 of Disk Laser Based on Response Surface Method
Dr. Chang Li
, Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, China

14:50-15:15 Title: TBD
Mr. Shuangjiu Deng,
University of Science and Technology Liaoning, China


Session 405: Semiconductor and Superconductor

Time: 08:30-12:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

08:30-08:35 Chair's Introduction
08:35-09:00 Speech Opportunity Available
09:00-09:25 Speech Opportunity Available
09:25-09:50 Speech Opportunity Available
09:50-10:15 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 406: Optical and Magnetic Properties of Materials

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Keynote Speech
Chalcogenide Ring-Core Fiber Supporting Orbital Angular Momentum Modes
Dr. Yang Yue,
Professor, Nankai University, China
14:00-14:25 Title: Structure State and Magnetic Ordering of Hexagonal Tb1-xErxNi5Mny Compounds
Dr. Alexander N Pirogov,
Professor, Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
14:25-14:50 Title: TBD
Dr. Zhengang Lu,
Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
14:50-15:15 Title: Optical Properties of Solids Based on the Reverse Monte Carlo Analysis of Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Spectra
Mr. Karoly Tokesi,
Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary
15:15-15:40 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 503: Materials Characterization and Analysis Technology

Time: 08:30-12:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

08:30-08:35 Chair's Introduction
08:35-09:00 Speech Opportunity Available
09:00-09:25 Title: TBD
Dr. Rabindra Nath Singh,
Professor, Banaras Hindu University, India
09:25-09:50 Speech Opportunity Available
09:50-10:15 Title: A Sensitive on-chip Probe–based Portable Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Detecting Low Parasitaemia Plasmodium Falciparum in Human Blood
Dr. Manish Gupta,
PhD Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India


Session 504: Materials Simulation, Computation and Design

Time: 08:30-12:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

08:30-08:35 Chair's Introduction
08:35-09:00 Title: Properties of Dissimilar Materials Manufactured by Plasma Spraying, Laser Cladding and Welding
Dr. Yumei Bao,
Professor, Zhejiang University of Technology, China
09:00-09:25 Speech Opportunity Available
09:25-09:50 Title: TBD
Dr. Meijie Zhang,
Professor, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China
09:50-10:15 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 505: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Speech Opportunity Available
14:00-14:25 Title: High Performance Amorphous Metal Components Made by Additive Manufacturing
Mr. Juergen Wachter,
Global Head, Heraeus Medical GmbH, Germany
14:25-14:50 Speech Opportunity Available
14:50-15:15 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 506: AI and Robotic Technology

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Speech Opportunity Available
14:00-14:25 Speech Opportunity Available
14:25-14:50 Title: TBD
Mr. Nan Yang,
Technical University of Munich, Germany
14:50-15:15 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 507: Information Technology and Related Materials

Time: 13:30-17:10, October 21, 2022

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Title: Transient Analysis of Energy Consumption and Batteries Behaviour in Computer Networks
Dr. Tadeusz Czachorski,
Professor, Silesian University of Technology (Division of Computer Systems Theory and Design) ; Director, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of Polish Academy of Sciences, IITiS PAN, Poland
14:00-14:25 Speech Opportunity Available
14:25-14:50 Speech Opportunity Available
14:50-15:15 Title: Excellence and Innovation in E-education on IoT
Dr. Parvathy Arulmozhi,
Assistant Professor,SASTRA University, India


Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

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