BIT's 10th World Gene Convention-2019 (WGC-2019)
★ Program Layout


BIT’s 10th World Gene Convention-2019


Theme: Decoding Life Secrets, Boosting Industrial Development




Time: September 20-22, 2019


Venue: Qingdao International Conference Center (QICC), Qingdao, China




Time: 09:00 -22:00, September 19, 2019 (Thursday); Place:Registration Desk, Hotel Lobby,1st Floor, QICC


Opening Ceremony & Nobel Laureate Forum & Keynote Forum of GCKE-2019

Time: 08:30 -12:00, September 20, 2019 (Friday); Place: Qilu Hall, 2nd Floor, QICC


Nobel Laureate Forum and Keynote Forum

Time: 09:30-10:50, September 20, 2019 (Friday); Place: Qingdao International Conference Center, China



Mr. Allen Qu, Founder and CEO, Netconcepts, China



Moderator’s Introduction


Title: Invention of High Efficient Blue LEDs and Future Solid State Lighting
Dr. Shuji Nakamura,
Professor, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
2014 Nobel Laureate in Physics


Title: Can 154 Years of Disruptive Innovation in Wireless Communications be Continued Into Fifth Generation 5G and Beyond Part I
Dr. Norman C. Beaulieu,
Especially Recruited (Ministerial) Thousand Talent Plan Research Professor, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China


Title: Technical Advances and Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Jacek M. Zurada, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Louisville, USA

Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum of WGC-2019 & WCFN-2019

Opening Ceremony

Time: 13:30 -13:40, September 20, 2019 (Friday); Place: Room 101, 1st Floor, QICC


Keynote Forum

Time: 13:40-16:15, September 20, 2019 (Friday); Place: Room 101, 1st Floor, QICC



Dr. Yufeng Zhou, Professor, Fudan University, China



Moderator’s Introduction


Title: Redox Properties of Molecules M Correlated with Their Biological Efficacy as Protectors Against Carcinogenesis and Inflammation
Dr. Rene-Victor Bensasson,
Emeritus Director, National Center for Scientific Research, France
Member of the Academia Europaea


Title: Viral vectors for gene therapy and CAR T Cell Technology
Dr. Rolf G. Werner, Senior Vice President, Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany


Title: Comparative Genomics Reveals The Genetic Divergence of Host Adaptation in Flexible Genomic Regions in Verticillium Dahliae and Evidence of Horizontal Gene Transfer from Fusarium
Dr. Xiao-Feng Dai, Director, Laboratory of Crop Verticillium Wilt, Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing, China


Title: Natural Products 2.0: Making Nature’s Diversity Accessible to Modern Drug Discovery
Dr. Tim Schuhmann, Investigator III, Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland


Title: Challenges and Opportunities for “Natural” and “Clean Label” Food Ingredient
Dr. Dirk Cremer, Senior Manager Regulatory Affairs, DSM Nutritional Products, Switzerland


Module 1: Updates on Genetics & Genomics

Session 1-1: Updates on Genetics & Genomics

Time: 08:30-11:20, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 205, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Roland Sennerstam, Associate Professor, Department of Oncology and Pathology Karolinska Hospital, Sweden


Dr. Yujuan Zhang, Professor, Chongqing Normal University, China



Chair’s Introduction


Title: Subcellular Stoichiogenomics Reveal Cell Evolution and Electrostatic Interaction Mechanisms in Cytoskeleton
Dr. Yujuan Zhang,
Professor, Chongqing Normal University, China


Title: Polyploidization is a Strong Driving Force Towards Increasing Genomic Instability that Occurs Twice During Two Critical Events during Tumor Progression First Due to an Evolutionary Conserved Phenomenon and Later as a Response to Nutritional and Oxygen Depletion
Dr. Roland Sennerstam, Associate Professor, Department of Oncology and Pathology Karolinska Hospital, Sweden


Title: Transcriptome Reprograming in Wheat Subjected to Fusarium Head Blight - A Devastating Fungal Infection
Dr. Youlian Pan, Principal Investigator and Senior Research Officer, National Research Council Canada, Canada


Title: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A): Implantation Rate of the Embryos Classified as Low Grade Mosaic
Dr. Roger Good, Senior Embryologist, Huntington Fertility Center, USA


Coffee Break


Title: The Challenges of Sample Collection with Limited Infrastructure: Active Chemical Protection Solutions
Mrs. Shanavaz Nasarabadi, President, GenTegra LLC, USA


Title: Comparative Analysis Reveals Unexpected Genome Features of Newly Isolated Thraustochytrids Strains: on Ecological Function And PUFA Biosynthesis
Dr. Yunxuan Xie, Assistant Professor, Tianjin University, China


Module 2: Latest Research of DNA, RNA and Nucleic Acid

Session 2-1: Latest Research of DNA, RNA, Gene

Time: 08:30-12:00, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 209, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Lubo Zhang, Professor & Director, Loma Linda University, USA


Dr. Yufeng Zhou, Professor, Fudan University, China



Chair’s Introduction


Title: MicroRNA-210 and Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury
Dr. Lubo Zhang, Professor & Director, Loma Linda University, USA


Title: Regulation of Macrophage Activation and Inflammation by Long Noncoding RNA
Dr. Yufeng Zhou, Professor, Fudan University, China


Title: Small Non-Coding Transfer RNA-Derived RNA Fragments (Trfs) and Their Role in Heavy Metal-Induced Stress
Dr. Xiaoyong Bao, Sealy Center for Molecular Medicine, USA


Title: Non-Coding Rnas Control the Blood Intake, Blood Digestion and Oviposition of Mosquitoes
Dr. Shiping Liu, Professor, Southwest University, China


Coffee Break


Title: Discovery of Novel Cellular MicroRNA Sequences Embedded within the Protein-Coding Regions of HIV Genomes
Dr. Suraiya Rasheed, Professor, University of Southern California, USA


Title: Identifying and Exploiting Gene-Pathway Interactions from RNA-Seq Data for Binary Phenotyp
Dr. Fang Shao, Assistant Professor, Nanjing Medical University, China


Title: Expression Regulation Study of a Novel Promoter Mutation in HLA-E Gene by Construction of Luciferase Reporter Gene and Stably Expressed Cell Lines
Dr. Wenxu Hong,
Researcher, Shenzhen Blood Center, China


Title: Screening of Egyptian Obese Children and Adolescents for Insertion/ Deletion (I/D) Polymorphism in Angiotensin- Converting Enzyme Gene
Dr. Zeinab Elkabbany, Professor, Ain Shams University, Egypt



Module 3: Emerging Medicine Applications

Session 3-1: The Mechanism of Carcinogenesis, Cancer/Tumor Biomarkers, and Target

Time: 08:30-11:45, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 206, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Luzhe Sun, Professor and Dielmann Endowed Chair, University of Texas Health Science, USA


Dr. Nicholas Squittieri, Director, Sun Pharma, USA



Chair’s Introduction


Title: The Significance of FCN3 Down-Regulation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Dr. Luzhe Sun, Professor and Dielmann Endowed Chair, University of Texas Health Science, USA


Title: A5-Nachr Involves in Nicotine-Related Lung Cancer Development And Metastasis
Dr. Xiaoli Ma, Professor, Jinan Central Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University, China


Title: FcγR Interaction is not Required for Effective Anti-PD-L1 Immunotherapy but can Add Additional Benefit Depending on the Tumor Model
Dr. Sjef Verbeek, Visiting Professor, Toin University of Yokohama, Japan


Title: Aberrant JMJD3 Expression Upregulates Slug to Promote Migration, Invasion, and Stem Cell-Like Behaviors in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Dr. Bo Tang, Director, The First Affiliated Hospital of GuangXi Medical University, China


Coffee Break


Title: Recruitment and Retention of Human CCR6+ Regulatory T Cells with Superior Suppressive Activity in Oral Cancer
Dr. Jean-San Chia, Professor, National Taiwan University, China


Title: TBD
Dr. Nicholas Squittieri, Director, Sun Pharma, USA


Title: Genetic Variability and Oncogenic Risk Association of Human Papillomavirus Type 58 E6 and E7 Genes in Taizhou Area, China
Dr. Huihui Xu, Associate Researcher, Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, China


Session 3-2: Neurobiology and Neuroscience

Time: 13:30-17:10, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 209, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Laura Gaudet, Professor, Chadron State College, USA


Dr. Run Zhang, Director, Örebro University, Sweden



Chair’s Introduction


Title: Understanding Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) through the lens of a Multi-Scale, Multi-Dimensional Series of Psychosocial Instruments
Dr. Laura Gaudet, Professor, Chadron State College, USA


Title: Fibroblasts as a Bio-cellular Model for Studying Amino Acids Transport in Schizophrenia, Bipolar and Related CNS Disorders
Dr. Run Zhang,Director, Örebro University, Sweden


Title: Metformin Enhances Adult Neurogenesis and Memory Function through Hippocampal IRS1 Signaling Independent of the Hypoglycemic Effect
Dr. Akiko Taguchi, Chair of Department of Integrative Aging Neuroscience, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG), Japan


Title: Long-Term Cochlear Implant Outcomes in Children with GJB2 and SLC26A4 Mutations
Dr. Che-Ming Wu, Associate Professor, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan


Title: TBD
Dr. Wenhua Zheng, Professor, University of Macau, China


Coffee Break


Title: Genetics and Epigenetics in Human Brain Evolution
Dr. Dan I. RIGA, Professor, Al. Obregia Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry, Romania


Title: Protective Effect of Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring against Nerve Injury during Thyroid Surgery
Dr. Shih Ming Huang, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Taiwan


Title: Arginine Vasopressin Modulates Spike Activity and Spike Coding in the Rat Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Dr. Alexey N. Inyushkin, Professor, Samara State University, Russia


Title: The Role and Mechanism of Long-Chain Non-Coding RNA CDKN2B-As1 in Ischemic Stroke
Dr. Wenli Chen, Clinical Pharmacist, Sun Yat-sen University, China


Module 4: Emerging Topics of Life Sciences

Session 4-1: Protein Research Frontier, Biocatalysis and Enzyme Engineering

Time: 13:30-16:45, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 208, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Bing Hou, Director of Discovery & Early Development, Antengene Corporation Limited, China


Dr. Xin Jin, Associate Professor, China University of Petroleum, China



Chair’s Introduction


Title: Targeting The Nuclear Export Protein, XPO1: A Novel Pan-Cancer Therapeutic Strategy
Dr. Bing Hou, Director of Discovery & Early Development, Antengene Corporation Limited, China


Title: Fillingthe Gap Between Protein Biomarker Identification and Validation Using Quantitative Dot Blot Analysis (QDB)
Dr. Jiandi Zhang, Founder, Quanticision Diagnostics, Inc., China


Title: A Reference Electrode-Free Electrochemical Biosensor Platform for Detecting MMP-9 and Troponin Using a Concentric Electrode Device
Dr. Young June Park, Professor, Seoul National University, South Korea


Title: In Silico Prioritization and Further Functional Characterization of SPINK1 Intronic Variants
Dr. Wen-Bin Zou, Changhai Hospital, China


Coffee Break


Title: Catalytides are the Attractive Hydrolase-Peptide for the Strategic Development of New Drugs against Alzheimer's Disease
Dr. Toshifumi  Akizawa, CEO,O-Force Co., Ltd., Japan


Title: Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenolysis of Bio-Polyols: Structure-Sensitivity Studies on Bimetallic PtPd/C Catalyst
Dr. Xin Jin, Associate Professor, China University of Petroleum, China


Title: TBD
Dr. Jinxiang Zhang, Principal Scientist, Qingdao Vland Biotech, China


Session 4-2: Advances in Molecular & Cell Biology (I)

Time: 13:30-17:10, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 206, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Nancy L. Guo, Professor, West Virginia University, USA


Dr. Amr El-Shazly, Professor, Liege University Hospital, Belgium



Chair’s Introduction


Title: Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Induced Gene Expression in Vitro: Concordance with in Vivo Studies
Dr. Nancy L. Guo, Professor, West Virginia University, USA


Title: Fractalkine / CX3CR1 Immunomodulatory Role in Nasal Inflammation
Dr. Amr El-Shazly, Professor, Liege University Hospital, Belgium


Title: TBD
Dr. Shung-Te Kao, Professor, China Medical University, Taiwan


Title: Can Cell Deformability Be Distinguished through Micro Slit Made by Photolithography Technique?
Dr. Shigehiro Hashimoto, Dean, Kogakuin University, Japan


Title: To Sense The Temperature Distribution of a Single Cell with an Array of Thin-Film Thermocouples
Dr. Shengyong Xu,
Peking University, China


Coffee Break


Title: The Early History of Polyamine Research
Dr. Uriel Bachrach, Professor Emeritus, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Israel




Title: Exercise-Induced Myokine FNDC5/Irisin Functions in Cardiovascular Protection and Intracerebral Retrieval of Synaptic Plasticity
Dr. Xuehong Xu, Shaanxi Normal University China




Session 4-2: Advances in Molecular & Cell Biology (II)

Time: 08:30-11:45, September 22, 2019 (Sunday); Place: Room 205, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Makoto Senoo, Associate Professor, Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, USA





Chair’s Introduction


Title: The Role of The Transcription Factor P63 in Regeneration, Homeostasis, and Diseases of Epithelia
Dr. Makoto Senoo, Associate Professor, Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, USA


Title: Extracellular Matrix Derived from Antler Cartilage Functions as an Alternative Scaffold for Articular Cartilage Defect Healing
Dr. Wenhui Chu, Lecturer, Taizhou University, China


Title: Patient-Derived Adult Stem Cells in Digestive Diseases
Dr. Xia Wang, Principal Investigator, Tsinghua University, China


Title: TBD
Dr. Michael Lim Ming Soon,Aesthetic Medicine Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Coffee Break


Title: Melatonin Improves the Fertilization Capacity and Developmental Ability of Bovine Oocytes by Regulating Cytoplasmic Maturation Events
Dr. Xueming Zhao, Professor, Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China


Title: TBD
Dr. Tahir Tak, Cardiologist, Mayo Clinic, USA




Session 4-3: Microbiology Study, Microbiota and Human Health

Time: 08:30-11:20, September 22, 2019 (Sunday); Place: Room 206, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Kunyan Zhang, Professor, University of Calgary, Canada


Dr. Manfred W. Beilharz, Associate Professor, University of Western Australia, Australia



Chair’s Introduction


Title: Whole Genome Sequence to Reconnoiter Staphylococcus Aureus Virulence
Dr. Kunyan Zhang, Professor, University of Calgary, Canada


Title: Rapid Microbiological Methods for Contamination Detection and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing in Blood Cell Samples
Dr. Hideyuki Noda, Senior Researcher, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan


Title: Comparative Characteristic of Antimicrobial Resistance in Geriatric Hospital: a Retrospective Cohort Study
Dr. Emily Lubart, Head of Acute Geriatric Department, Geriatric Medical Center, Israel


Coffee Break


Title: Salmonella Osteomyelitis: Genolype Disclosure on Non-Typhoidal Salmonella Species
Dr. Cheng-Hua Huang, Medical Consultant, Cathay General Hospital Taipei, Taiwan


Title: African Swine Fever Treatment in Vietnam
Dr. Manfred W. Beilharz, Associate Professor, University of Western Australia, Australia


Module 5: Biotechnologies and Bio Industry

Session 5-1: Novel Biodrugs, Drug Science, Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Time: 08:30-11:35, September 22, 2019 (Sunday); Place: Room 209, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Vincent T. K. Chow, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Dr. Hui Kong, Associated Professor, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China



Chair’s Introduction


Title: The C-Terminal Domain of Angiopoietin-Like 4 (Cangptl4) is a Potential Biomarker and Therapeutic Target of Acute Pneumonia
Dr. Vincent T. K. Chow, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Title: Simultaneous Determination of Thirteen Veterinary Quinoxalines and Their Major Metabolites in Swine Liver
Dr. Linli Cheng, Associated Professor, China Agriculture University, China


Title: Progression and Characterization of The NAFLD/NASH Model in FATZO Mice Fed with One High Fat High Fructose Diet
Mr. Yongfu Xiao, Head of Pharmacolog, Crown Bioscience, Inc., China


Title: World’s Unique Artificial Intellegence Detection System Using IR and Raman Fusion
Dr. Alan Zhang, Professor, Convolution Science and Technology, Inc., China


Coffee Break


Title: Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution Kinetics of Puerarin in Rats Using Indirect Competitive ELISA
Dr. HuiKong, Associated Professor, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China


Title: Sijunzi Decoction Alleviate Sarcopeniain Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Via PI3K/AKT/Mtor Pathway
Dr. Ningna Zhou,Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China


Title: The Role of Oxidized Cardiolipinin the Development of Atherosclerosis
Dr. Xiang Hua, KarolinskaInstitutet, Sweden

11:30-11:55 Title: The Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer from Individual Factors
Dr. Daoke Yang,
Profesor & Chief Physician, First Affiliated Hospital of ZhengZhou University, China


Program of WCFN-2019

Time: September 20-22, 2019
Venue: Qingdao International Conference Center (QICC), Qingdao, China


Stream 1: Food Science

Theme 101: Food Chemistry, Food Microbiology, Food Detection, Quality and Safety Control

Time: 08:30-12:10, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 208, 2nd Floor, QICC



Mr. Toshirho Sashihara, Manager, Meiji Co., Ltd., Japan


Dr. Fei Lao, Assistant Professor, China Agricultural University, China



Chair’s Introduction


Title: Identification of Aroma Compounds in Four Chinese Mango Juices, and Effects of Thermal and High-Pressure Processing on the Mango Juice Aroma Profiles
Dr. Fei Lao, Assistant Professor, China Agricultural University, China


Title: Study on the Physicochemical and Sensory Capabilities of Smoking Food-Tobacco Materials via Different Combined Moistening and Redrying Treatments
Dr. Wenhua Zi, Research Institute of Reascend, Yunnan Reascend Tobacco Technology(Group) Co., Ltd., China


Title: Evolution of Hurdle Technologies Combining Novel Food Processing Techniques
Dr. Markus Walkling Ribeiro, Research Scientist, Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT), China


Title: Use of Oak Wood During Malolactic Fermentation and Ageing: Impact on Chardonnay Wine Character
Dr. Kleopatra Chira, Associate Researcher, Bordeaux University, France


Title: Chemical Basis of Mineral Character at Olfactory and Gustatory Level in White and Red Wines
Dr. Antonio Palacios, Lecturer, University of La Rioja, Spain


Coffee Break


Title: Development of Immunostimulatory Probiotics Using Lactobacillus Gasseri OLL2809
Mr. Toshirho Sashihara,
Manager, Meiji Co., Ltd., Japan


Title: Fast Simultaneous Determination of Capsaicin, Dihydrocapsaicin and Nonivamide for Detecting Adulteration In Edible and Crude Vegetable Oils by UPLC-MS/MS
Dr. Yan Wang, Wilmar (Shanghai) Biotechnology Research Development Center Co., Ltd, China


Title: Cereals and Maize Mycotoxins Risk Management for Food Safety
Dr. Alain Froment, Syngenta Agro, France


Title: Molecular Identification of Sardine Products Sold in China Using DNA Barcoding: Exploring the Possible Reasons for Fish Fraud in China
Dr. Xiong Xiong, Lecturer, Nanjing Tech University, China

11:50-12:10 Title: Authenticity Analysis of High-value Foods with Multi-Omics Methodologies
Dr. Zhang Hongwei,
Technica lCenter of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine, China


Stream 2: Advances in Nutrition Research

Theme 201: Nutraceuticals, Functional Food, Natural Product

Time: 08:30-11:45, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 208, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Jinlin Li, Director, Jiangxi Normal University, China, China


Dr. Jinyue Sun, Research Scientist, Institute of Agro-food Science and Technology, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China



Chair’s Introduction


Title: Identification, Preparation and Healthy Effects of an Unusual Triacylglycerol Sn-2-Actags From Seed Oils of the Genus Polygala
Dr. Jinyue Sun, Research Scientist, Institute of Agro-food Science and Technology, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China


Title: The Changes of Nutrition and Volatile Flavor Compounds during The Preparing of Fish Soup
Dr. Jinlin Li, Director, Jiangxi Normal University, China, China


Title: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Citrus Peel Extract in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury Combined with Pinelliae Rhizoma Praeparatum
Dr. Linna Liu, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University, China

09:50-10:15 Title: The Olfactometry and Salt Taste Examination Results for Ten Years (2009-2018)in the Yakumo Study by Using the Data of the Testee List
Dr. Naomi Katayama,
Professor, Nagoya Women’s University, Japan


Coffee Break


Title: The Red Seaweed, Palmaria Mollis, Suppresses Adiposity and Affects the Expression of Lipid Metabolism Genes in Diet-Induced Obese Zebrafish and Mice
Dr. Yasuhito Shimada, Assistant Professor, Mie University, Japan


Title: Zebrafish as a Model for Screening Anti-obesity Natural Products
Dr. Liqing Zang, Research Associate, Mie University, Japan


Title: Formulation of Novel Probiotics Enriched Functional Foods and their Health Benefits
Dr. Nivedita Sharma, Professor, YSP University of Horticulture & Forestry, India


Theme 202: Nutrition and Health & Disease Management

Time: 13:30-16:45, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 205, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Mamoru Shoji, Associate Professor, Emory University, USA


Dr. Amegovu K. Andrew, University Of Juba, Uganda



Chair’s Introduction


Title: Inhibition of Breast Cancer Bone Metastasis and Pancreatic and Colon Cancer by Synthetic Curcumin Analogs
Dr. Mamoru Shoji, Associate Professor, Emory University, USA


Title: What Role Could Have Sports Participation on the Children Sensitivity to a Healthy Lifestyle Through Good Nutrition?
Dr. Ghada Khaled Ahmad Ibrahim, Normandy University, France


Title: Greater Dietary Lignans Consumption Associated with Lowered Bone Fracture-A Matched Case-Control Study Among Chinese Elder
Dr. Zhaomin Liu, Professor, Sun Yat-Sen University, China


Title: Association Between Early Nutritional Risk and Overall Survival in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: a Single-Center Retrospective Study
Dr. Joung Soon Park, Assistant Researcher, Chung-Ang University, South Korea


Coffee Break


Title: The Antidiabetic Effects of Oil Tea: Insights from Animal Experiments and Epidemiological Study
Dr. Rui Lin, Professor, Guangxi Medical University, China


Title: Effect of Dachaihu Decoction on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Model Rats Induced by a High-Fat High-Sugar Diet
Dr. Jiamin Yang, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China


Title: Glycemic Control And Satisfaction of Teledietetic Services among Diabetes Patients
Dr. Louisa Ming Yan Chung, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China


Theme 203: Plant versus Animal Foods, Nutrition

Time: 08:30-11:35, September 22, 2019 (Sunday); Place: Room 208, 2nd Floor, QICC



Dr. Yongjun Zeng, Professor, Jiangxi Agricultural University, China


Dr. Xianyong Ma, Professor, Institute of Animal Science, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China



Chair’s Introduction


Title: Development and Application Technology of High-Energy Feedand Its Influence on the Ruminal Digestionand Milk Production of High-Yielding Cows
Dr. Igor Ermakov, Eurofeed Ltd., Russia


Title: Effect of Glutathione on Growth Performance, Antioxidant and Immune Function in Weaned Piglets
Dr. Xianyong Ma, Professor, Institute of Animal Science, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China


Title: Six legs nuts eater, maize weevil in the Prehistoric Japan
Dr. Hiroki Obata, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Kumamoto University, Japan


Title: Diseases of Orchids: Preventing, Effects on the Growers and Consumers
Dr. Prasartporn Smitamana, Managing Director, Agricultural and Industrial Clinic Co. Ltd., Thailand


Coffee Break


Title: Response of Organic Peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) to Various Sowing Dates Under an Arid and a Semi-arid Environment
Dr. Muhammad Ijaz, Assistant Professor, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Pakistan


Title: Response of Chalkiness in High-Quality Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) to Temperature Across Different Ecological Regions
Dr. Yongjun Zeng,Professor, Jiangxi Agricultural University, China


Title: TBD
Dr. Julius Tjelele, Researcher, Agricultural Research Council, Animal Production Institute, South Africa


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