1. The organizers welcome all abstracts within the scope of the meeting. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by experts and scheduled for either oral or poster presentation during the congress. Irrelevant or poor-quality abstracts may be rejected.
2. Abstracts may only be submitted online through the congress website. It is advisable to prepare the complete text of your abstract as well as any figures/tables before accessing online abstract submission.
3. Abstracts need to be written in clear English, taking into account the specifications below:
a. Maximum word count of abstract title: 20 words.
b. Maximum word count of abstract text: 450 words (adjust in case of tables/figures).
c. Abstract topics should be selected during the online submission process from the list of predefined topics in order to facilitate abstract review and scheduling.
d. A minimum of three specific keywords should be added during online submission for indexing of the abstract. The organizing committee reserves the right to delete, edit or add keywords in order to achieve uniformity throughout abstract publications.
4. Abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. No editing of abstract texts will be done. However, failure to comply with the above guidelines may be corrected (e.g. keywords) by the meeting organizers.
5. After submission abstracts can no longer be changed by the authors. Should minor changes be necessary after submission, the author should notify us at mia.analytix@galacluster.com describing exactly the nature of the change to be made. If major changes are required the author should submit a revised abstract as an entirely new abstract and send a request to mia.analytix@galacluster.com to delete the original abstract. The addition of a co-author constitutes a major change.
6. After completion of the abstract review, the submitting author will receive scheduling information via email. Abstracts cannot be withdrawn after receipt of the scheduling information by the submitting author. The presenting author must be registered as a participant for final scheduling and publication of the abstract.
7. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. The authors of the submitted abstracts are responsible for any Intellectual Property issues concerning the abstracts on their own. The organizing committee reserves the right to use submitted abstracts for conference purposes.
Thank you for attending this conference. Please read carefully the following instructions and guidelines for paper submissions and oral presentations.
1. Preparations - Paper Abstract
All speakers have the opportunity to write a short abstract of their research work. Please send you abstract by email to the main coordinator of this conference with mia.analytix@galacluster.com. Selected abstracts will be listed on the conference website after they are accepted.
We kindly request that you keep in mind the deadline for paper submissions: March 20, 2025
2. Your Written Presentation
Please prepare your presentation in the English language. The absolute deadline to include your presentation in the Conference Proceedings is March 20, 2025. We need to receive your paper in our office on or before this date. PAPERS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE CANNOT BE INCLUDED IN THE PRINTED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Please submit your paper in MS Word through email to mia.analytix@galacluster.com
3. Format of Your Written Paper = A4
Please present in the following manner: Times New Roman, Exactly 15pt (paragraph spacing), 10 (word size), plain, bold. Your paper should contain the following:
(Please refer to the enclosed Example Document)
1. Name, occupation, employer of speaker
2. Personal resume of speaker under the heading “Biography”
3. Abstract
Your paper will be printed as you deliver it. Please make sure that all materials are of a representative quality. Your paper should not exceed the limit of 1 A4 page in length.
Important Note: Copies of overheads or PowerPoint slides are NOT ACCEPTABLE as your written paper.
4. Your Oral Presentation
Digital presentation
For your oral presentation you may bring a PowerPoint file on a CD or USB flash drive (memory stick). The organizers will copy these files onto the general laptop for beamer projection. It is suggested that you email a copy of your presentation to your personal inbox as a backup. If for some reason the files can’t be accessed from your flash drive, you will be able to download them to the computer from your email.
All oral presenters are required to submit an electronic version of their presentation in the meeting room of their presentation 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the session. All presentations will be scanned for viruses and subsequently loaded on the main projector computer. Any changes to a file prior to its presentation must be made through the Registration Desk.
Use of your own laptop is not recommended
1. Movies: If your PowerPoint files contain movies please make sure that they are well formatted and connected to the main files.
2. Timing: Please make sure your presentation is well timed. Every speaker has a maximum of 25 minutes total, including speaking time and discussion. Please keep in mind that the program is full and that the speaker after you would like their allocated time available to them.
Conference Coordinator: Ms. Mia Lee
Event Organizing Committee
Tel: 0086-411-84799609, Fax: 0086-411-84799629
Email: mia.analytix@galacluster.com
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