ICA 2021 | Dalian, China

Program Layout

Stream 1: Main Conference
Plenary Forum: New Horizon of Antibody Innovation
-Global Action in Welcoming Next Wave Silver Bullets

Stream 2: Parallel Forums
Nexus 1: Future Landscape of Therapeutic Antibody Discovery
-Breaking Progress of Immuno-Drugs beyond Cancers

Nexus 2 : New Landscape of Antibody Discovery Technology
-Full Play of Disruptive Technologies for Better Silver Bullets

Nexus 3: Most Charming Targets for Therapeutic Antibody Designs
-Targets for Searching Long Lasting Cures

Nexus 4: Antibody-ADCs and Multi-Specific Antibodies as Next Big Things
-Next Big Things in Immunotherapy

Nexus 5: Antibodies as Diagnostic Biomarkers
-Cure with Accurate Diagnosis

Nexus 6: Alternative Applications of Versatile Antibodies
-Expending Space of Antibodies for Human’s Benefits

Nexus 7: Facinating MABs from Non-Human Primates
-Learning the Defense Intelligence from Nature

Nexus 8: Smart Antibody DDS

Nexus 9: Antibody Clinical Trials

Nexus 10: Antibody Engineering and Bioanalysis

Nexus 11: Biosimilars and Biosuperiors of Antibody Therapy

Nexus 12: Antibody Custom Services
-Integrating Resources to Accelerating Productivity

Stream 3: Business and Career Development - New Gateway for Growth

Discussion: Business Matchmaking
RT 1: Multilateral Antibody Development Partnership
RT 2: Future of Human Antibody Project Initiatives
RT 3: CRO/CMO and Integrative Services

Workshop: Career Star Treck
MF 1: Academic Positions for Antibody Professionals
MF 2: Industrial Positions for Antibody Scientists
MF 3: Post Doc. Or Graduate Study Opportunities in Antibody Fields

Zone 1: Exhibitions of Antibody Tech and Products
Zone 2: Posters of Antibody R & D

Stream 4: Social and Culture Events - Friendship Makes Innovation Easier

Welcome Banquet and Culture Performance
-Enjoy the Network in Our Happy Common Community
Closing Ceremony
-Farewell for a Better Tomorrow

Online Registration
News Released
Speaking Proposals Are          Now Being Accepted
Call for Exhibitors and          Sponsors
Call for Collaborative
World Class Meeting Venue

ICA-2021 will be celebrated at Dalian International Conference Center, China

Operating Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.
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