ICA 2021 | Dalian, China

Introduction to ICA-2021

The Annual International Congress of Antibodies (ICA), initiated from 2009, had been successfully organized in Beijing, Hangzhou Dalian and Nanjing, attracted more than 3,500 participants from 60 countries. ICA series congresses contribute to offering professionals in the field of antibody a multidisciplinary informative cooperative platform, and it has been the most definite and grand Antibody event in Asia. The ICA-2021 will be held during September 25-27, 2021 at Dalian International Conference Center, China.

The annual congress ICA initiated by BIT Congress in 2009 has become accepted as an influential conference for worldwide antibodies professionals to discuss and develop the latest research breakthroughs as well as potential business opportunities. We hope such a well-designed combinatorial meetings can empower better communication channels for antibody researchers and scientists surrounded by clinicians, epidemiologists, microbiologists, immunologists, molecular biologists, public health officials, representatives from pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and policy makers to create a friendly liberal environment to update latest exciting developments in this frontline area to share better research ideas, and provide improved therapeutic and preventive solutions to saving and enhancing lives by using antibodies.

Online Registration
News Released
Speaking Proposals Are          Now Being Accepted
Call for Exhibitors and          Sponsors
Call for Collaborative
World Class Meeting Venue

ICA-2021 will be celebrated at Dalian International Conference Center, China

Operating Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.
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