BIT's 7th International Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (ICGO-2019)
★ Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite you to present and contribute your invaluable experience at BIT's 7th International Congress of ICGO-2019, which will be held during September 27-29, 2019 in Chengdu, China.

ICGO-2019 is a dedicated event for the gynaecology and aims to offer professionals in the field a multidisciplinary platform to learn more about the women’s health, gynaecological oncology, clinical research and discovery.

During July 30-August 1 of 2018, the BIT's 6th International Congress of ICGO-2018 was held in Fukuoka, Japan. More than 150 world-renowned experts, professors, laboratory principals, project leaders and representatives of well-known enterprises attended the ICGO-2018. The conference was a great scientific festival with wonderful opportunities to learn about the Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Meanwhile, it has promoted the communication of colleagues and collaboration of partners in this field.

ICGO-2019 will consist of 6 streams covering current advances in many aspects of gynaecology and obstetrics. A complete list of conference topics is available in the website. The conference will consist of symposiums, panel discussions, free communication, poster presentations and an exhibition. Through these dynamic scientific and social events, you will have many opportunities to network and to form potential business collaborations with participants from all over the world.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Chengdu. In addition to the conference, we believe that you will have a memorable experience traditional Chinese culture, and to enjoy the delicious food of Chengdu.

Sincerely Yours,

Dr. Xiaodan Mei
Executive Chair of ICGO-2019
President of BIT Global Group Inc



News Released

● Speaking Proposals are Now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now
REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance
● Program will be released soon
● Call for co-organizers, supporting organizations
● Call for collaborative partners, media and journal
● Call for exhibitors, and posters

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