★ Scientific Program

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Stream 3: Gynecologic Oncology


Session 301: Breast Cancer

Time: Afternoon, July 20, 2022



Dr. Qingli Zhu, Professor, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, China 


Dr. Nira Ben-Jonathan, Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati, USA


Speeches and Speakers


Chair’s Introduction


Title: Breast Cancer Surgery: Default to Day Case
Dr. Amar Deshpande,
Consultant Breast Surgeon, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust, USA

14:00-14:25 Title: Nomogram based on Radiomics Analysis of Primary Breast Cancer Ultrasound Images: Prediction of Axillary Lymph Node Tumor Burden in Patients
Dr. Qingli Zhu, Professor, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, China

Title: Cancer Immunity and Triple Negative Breast Carcinoma
Dr. Shikha Bose,
Clinical Professor, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, USA


Title: Percutaneous Breast Lesion Ablation. When Avoid Open Surgery?
Dr. Luc Rotenberg,
Radiologist, Hartmann Breast Institute, Neuilly Sur Seine, France


Coffee Break


Title: Dopamine Receptor Type 1 (D1R) in Breast Cancer: Expression, Signaling, and Therapeutic Targetting
Dr. Nira Ben-Jonathan,
Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati, USA

15:55-16:20 Title: Breast Radiotherapy: Towards an Individualized Approach    
Dr. Thomas Mulliez,
Professor, Institut Andree Dutreix, University Hospital Brussels, Belgium

Title: Prediction of Axillary Lymph Nodes Metastasis based on Preoperative Ultrasound Images
Dr. Mihaela Camelia Tirnovanu,
Lecturer, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T Popa" Iasi, Romania

16:45-17:10 Title: Diagnostic Accuracy of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Enhancement Patterns for Breast Lesions
Dr. Ekaterina A. Busko,
Senior Researcher, Petrov’s Research Center of Oncology, Russia
17:10-17:35 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 302: Endometrial Cancer and Ovarian Cancer

Time: Afternoon, July 20, 2022



Dr. Abeer Eddib, Clinical Associate Professor, University at Buffalo Medical School, State University of New York, USA


Dr. Emil Anton, Associated Professor, Grigore T. Popa University Iasi Romania, Romania


Speeches and Speakers


Chair’s Introduction


Title:5-Hydroxy-4'-Nitro-7-Propionyloxy-Genistein Inhibited Invasion and Metastasis via Inactivating wnt/β-Catenin Signal Pathway in Human Endometrial Carcinoma JEC Cells
Dr. Jun Bai,
Director, The First People’s Hospital of Datong, China


Title: Endometrial hyperplasia: How, Why and When to Operate?
Dr. Abeer Eddib,
Clinical Associate Professor, University at Buffalo Medical School, State University of New York, USA


Title: Laparoscopic Sentinel Lymphnode Dissection in Endometrial Cancer. Downsizing Surgical Treatment?
Dr. Ralf Joukhadar,
Vice Head of OBS & GYN, University of Wuerzburg, Germany


Title: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and Targeted
Dr. Anas Barakat,
Clinical Research Fellow In Gynae-Oncology, University Hospitals of Leicester, United Kingdom


Coffee Break


Title: Pure Primary Ovarian Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report
Dr. Emil Anton,
Associated Professor, Grigore T. Popa University Iasi Romania, Romania


Title: Ovarian Rejuvenation Through Platelet-Rich Autologous Plasma (PRP) Gives Chance to Have a Baby Without Donor Eggs
Dr. Nataliia Petryk,
Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Ultrasound Pro Medical Centre, Ukraine


Title: The Debate in the Management of Cases with Advanced Ovarian Cancer

Dr. Anas Barakat, Clinical Research Fellow In Gynae-Oncology, University Hospitals of Leicester, United Kingdom

16:45-17:10 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 303: HPV and Cervical Cancer

Time: Morning, July 21, 2022



Dr. Sandeep Singhal, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Northern Centre for Cancer Care, Freeman Hospital, UK


Dr. Farr R. Nezhat, Clinical Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College, USA


Speeches and Speakers


Chair’s Introduction


Title: Risk of High-Grade Lesions after HPV-Triage of Atypical Glandular Cell in Cervix

Dr. Ingrid Norman, Karolinska University Laboratory, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden

09:00-09:25 Title: Image Guided Adaptive Gynae Brachytherapy in Cervical Cancer: Impact on Clinical Outcome
Dr. Sandeep Singhal, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Northern Centre for Cancer Care, Freeman Hospital, UK


Title: An Adsorptive and Antioxidant Vaginal Gel Clears High-Risk HPV- and P16/Ki-67-Associated Abnormal Cytological Cervical Findings: A Subgroup Analysis of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial on CIN2 and P16 Positive CIN1
Prof. Attila L. Major,
Vice-head Department of Ob-Gyn, Cantonal Hospital, University of Fribourg, Switzerland


Title: Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer Treatment with Aromatase Inhibitors Associated with Musculoskeletal Pain Causing Non-Adherence?
Dr. Aleli Campbell,
Sr. Research Scientist, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, USA


Coffee Break


Title: TBD
Dr. Farr R. Nezhat, Clinical Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College, USA


Title: Chromosomal Polymorphisms and Their Role in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Dr. Saswati Mukhopadhyay,
Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital Kolkata, India


Title: TBD
Dr. Hakan Yetimalar,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Izmir Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Turkey


Speech Opportunity Available


Session 304: Gynecologic Cancer Screening and Prevention

Time: Afternoon, July 21, 2022



Dr. Ting Bao, Director, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA


Dr. Ian N. Hampson, Professor, University of Manchester School of Cancer & Enabling Sciences, UK


Speeches and Speakers


Chair’s Introduction


Title: TBD
Dr. Ilan Bruchim,
Chair, Israeli Society of Gyn Oncology (ISGO) International Trials Committee, Israel


Title: Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Breast and GYN Cancer Survivors
Dr. Ting Bao, Director, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA


Title: Brazilian Experience on the Use of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis, Allied to Conventional Mammography, as a Strategy for Breast Cancer Screening in Brazil: Focusing on Patients with Dense Breasts
Dr. Daniela Gusmao de Araujo Batista,
Radiologist/Breast Imaging - Clinica Villas Boas, Brazil


Title: Age and Cervical Cancer Screening
Dr. Elliot M. Levine,
Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Illinois Masonic Medical Center, USA


Coffee Break


Title: TBD
Dr. Ian N. Hampson,
Professor, University of Manchester School of Cancer & Enabling Sciences, UK


Title: TBD
Dr. Elizabeth Ordens Castelo Branco, Masters Gynecology-Obstetrics, GynOncology Department-Portugal, Portugal


Title: Making Diagnosis of Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia:What, When, How to Treat and What to do Next?
Dr. Tricia Dewi Anggraeni,
Gynecologic Oncologist, National Center Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


Speech Opportunity Available


Session 305: Other Gynaecological Oncological

Time: Morning, July 22, 2022



Dr. Kadhim Alabady, Dubai Health Authority, UAE


Dr. Hasan Mohammad Alkhudairi, Consultant of Obstetrics & Gynecology, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Saudi Arabia


Speeches and Speakers


Chair’s Introduction


Title: Ovarian Carcinoma - Molecular Aspects of a Heterogeneous Disease and Future Developments
Dr. Steffen Hauptmann,
Professor, Department for Pathology, Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands


Title: Gynaecological Cancer: What are Strategic Priorities in Dubai?
Dr. Kadhim Alabady,
Dubai Health Authority, UAE


Title: How About Vulvovaginal Diseases-From the Mundane to the Esoteric
Dr. Angela Ralte,
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, UK

09:50-10:15 Title: TBD
Dr. Michael Morcos, Senior Consultant, Chase Farm Hospital, UK


Coffee Break


Title: Sexual Life of Cancer and Palliative Women
Dr. Hasan Mohammad Alkhudairi,
Consultant of Obstetrics & Gynecology, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Saudi Arabia

10:55-11:20 Title: Office Myomectomy - Overview
Dr. Cinta Vidal Mazo,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of Huelva, Spain


Title: Pernieal Reconstruction for Vagino-Anorectal Pathology; A Multidisciplinary Approach
Dr. Haitham Khalil,
Consultant Oncoplastic, Good Hope Hospital, UK


Speech Opportunity Available


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● Program will be released soon
● Call for co-organizers, supporting organizations
● Call for collaborative partners, media and journal
● Call for exhibitors, and posters

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World High Technology Society

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