★ Program Layout

Stream 1: Opening Ceremony & Keynote Forum
Part 1: Opening Ceremony
Part 2: Keynote Forum


Stream 2: General Gynecology
Session 201: Laparoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery
Session 202: New Gyn/Ob Ultrasound, MR/CT
Session 203: Endometriosis
Session 204: Urogynaecology & Pelvic Floor Disorders
Session 205: Disorders of the Uterine
Session 206: Disorders of the Vulva & Vagina
Session 207: Disorders of the Ovaries & Oviducts
Session 208: Menopause & Postmenopause
Session 209: Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology


Stream 3: Gynecologic Oncology
Session 301: Breast Cancer
Session 302: Endometrial Cancer and Ovarian Cancer
Session 303: HPV and Cervical Cancer
Session 304: Gynecologic Cancer Screening and Prevention
Session 305: Other Gynaecological Oncological


Stream 4: Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Session 401: Prenatal Screening & Diagnosis
Session 402: High-Risk Pregnancy
Session 403: Diabetes and Obesity in Pregnancy
Session 404: Hypertension and Complications in Pregnancy
Session 405: Perinatal Infection
Session 406: Fetal Medicine
Session 407: MFM Patient Care


Stream 5: Obstetric Medicines
Session 501: Labor Management and Dystocia
Session 502: Obstetric Emergencies and Critical Care
Session 503: Preterm Birth and Neonatal Care
Session 504: Pain Management
Session 505: Obstetrical Complications


Stream 6: Reproductive Medicine 
Session 601: Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Session 602: Fertility & Infertility
Session 603: Reproductive Endocrinology and Biology
Session 604: Contraception and Family Planning
Session 605: Abortion and Recurrent Miscarriage
Session 606: Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment


Stream 7: Pediatric Forum
Session 701: Emerging Technologies in Pediatrics
Session 702: Clinical Pediatrics
Session 703: Novel Therapies for Pediatric Diseases
Session 704: Pediatric Global Health


News Released

● Speaking Proposals are Now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now
REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance
● Program will be released soon
● Call for co-organizers, supporting organizations
● Call for collaborative partners, media and journal
● Call for exhibitors, and posters

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Operating Organization
Official Travel Agency
Contact Us

Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609, Fax: 0086-411-84796897
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