Conference Report
The International Exchange of Professionals - Thematic Event in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology & The 20th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science & Technology 2024 was successfully held on May 22-24, 2024 at the beautiful Grand Prince Hotel Osaka Bay, Japan. It was proudly hosted by World High Technology Societ, and efficiently operated by BIT Group Global Ltd. It integrated 3 distinct parallel meetings together, which were The 20th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology (IDDST), The 11th Annual International Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems (SDDS), and The 2nd World Chemistry Congress (IWCC). Following the meticulous preparation, nearly 190 specialists from 37 countries and areas joined us in this endeavor.
The Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum took place on the morning of the first day of the meeting, and the world-leading scientists, Dr. Muneto Mogi, Global Head of Chemistry, Novartis Biomedical Research, USA; Dr. Jeff Song, Vice President, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc, USA; Dr. Matthias von Herrath, Vice President and Senior Medical Officer, Novo Nordisk, USA; Dr. Diane J. Burgess, Distinguished Professor and Pfizer Distinguished Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Connecticut, USA; Dr. Anne S.J. Lesage, Chief Early Development Officer, Pharvaris GmbH, Switzerland; Dr. Antonio Cabal, Senior Director, Biology Based Modeling & Simulation, Eisai Inc., USA presented the keynote lectures. More than 120 honored guests attended those important activities. Dr. Matthias von Herrath as moderator of the two parts expressed great gratitude to the presence of all delegates, speakers and participants and particularly wished all the guests a memorable stay in Japan on behalf of the organizing committee. Eminent session speakers from various reputed companies and Universities made their resplendent presence and addressed the gathering.
As with previous editions, the cluster meeting is known for uplifting the future of the research fields by encouraging scientists and fellow researchers to present their work through oral speeches and poster presentations. Hot topics on Drug Discovery S&T, Drug Delivery Systems and Chemistry were hotly discussed and exchanged by presenters and visitors in the three-day’s diversified program. Conference organizers took the privilege of felicitating Keynote Speakers, Chair and Co-Chairs whose support made conference a great success and also thank all other attendees who contributed a lot for the smooth functioning of the Event.
The 2nd World Chemistry Congress 2024 (IWCC-2024) will be held from May 22-24, 2024 in Osaka, Japan. It is committed to building a global cooperation platform for communication among scientists, research institutions and enterprises engaged in Chemistry fields around the world, and promoting the development of international communication.