
Online Registration

Hosting Organization

World High Tech Society

Concurrent Conferences

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Program Layout


Track 1: Opening Ceremony & Keynote Forum

Part 1: Opening Ceremony

Part 2: Keynote Forum


Track 2: Parallel Forums

Forum 1: Analytical Chemistry

Session 101: Miniaturized and Rapid On-site Analysis

Session 102: Advanced Spectroscopy and Microscopy Technologies

Session 103: High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Session 104: Advanced Bioanalysis and Medicine Analysis

Session 105: Chemical Imaging

Forum 2: Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Session 201: New Organic Synthesis and Methods

Session 202: Chiral Chemistry and Asymmetric Synthesis

Session 203 Organometallic Chemistry

Session 204: Flow Chemistry and Continuous Synthesis

Session 205: Organic Photocatalysis

Forum 3: Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

Session 301: Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry

Session 302: Surface and Solid-state Chemistry

Session 303: Electrochemistry

Session 304: Quantum Chemistry

Session 305: Computational Chemistry and AI/ Machine Learning

Forum 4: Applied Chemistry

Session 401: Green and Sustainable Chemistry

Session 402: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

Session 403: Medicinal and Clinical Chemistry

Session 404: Agriculture and Food Chemistry

Session 405: Marine and Geo Chemistry

Session 406: Environmental Chemistry


Track 3: Posters and Exhibition

Part 1: Posters

Part 2: Exhibition


Track 4: Social & Cultural Activities

Activity 1: Welcome Banquet and Art Performance

Activity 2: Lecture Tours to Campus

Activity 3: Field Trip to Industrial Park or Companies

Activity 4: Local Impression Tech-Tour

Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

Abstract Format Download


Contact Us

Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China

Tel: 0086-411-84799609

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