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Online Registration
Program Layout
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Hosting Organization
Information Research Center of International Talent, Ministry of Science and Technology, China
Previous Conference
Comments on Nano S&T
Dr. Amos Bardea, Senior Lecturer, Holon Institute of Technology-HIT, Israel
Thank you for organizing this beautiful and fruitful conference. I looking forward to next conference at Germany
Dr. Wengang Bi, Distinguished Professor, Hebei University of Technology, China
Thank you for organizing such an successful Nano S&T-2017 conference! I'm interested in Nano S&T -2018. Also interested in serving as an member of the technical committee of the conference. Please send me detailed information.
Dr. Vasily T. Lebedev, Head of Laboratory, B.P.Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC Kurchatov Institute, Russia
Thank You for hospitality and cooperation during the Congress. Really it was a nice stay and good work!
Dr. Mikel Hurtado, Professor, Central University, Colombia
Thank you so much for your kind attention during all conference. I hope to stay there in Germany next year.
Dr. Wei Weng, Associate Professor, Donghua University, China
A wonderful meeting! Thank you for all that you have done. Please send the information about the next year meeting as long as the program is set.
Dr. Rudraswamy B, Professor, Bangalore University, India
Thanks for your kind email reply. I reached my home town safely and enjoyed the conference .You can send information about Nano-2018 in Germany.
Dr. Somenath Mitra, Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
As discussed, please send me the dates and details of your next year meeting in Germany.
Dr. Boris M. Smirnov, Professor, Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russia
Thank you for the pleasant work. It was very nice to communicate with you.
Dr. Yuri F. Zhukovskii, Laboratory Head, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
Thanks a lot for your e-mail and successful organization of Nano S&T-2017! Everything has been wonderful in Fukuoka including mild and sunny weather, I do appreciate very much!
Dr. Shien-Kuei Liaw, Distinguished Professor & Director, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
The international conference was very successful, with many people come from all over the world to present high-quality papers. The foods are delicious and service is good. If any thing that need to be improved, I would say that:
1. The banquet could be move to the 2nd night because people will stay more time in the conference.
2. When choose a 5-star hotel as the conference venue, please have some common-price hotels locate nearby. I know quite a few people stay in Hakata downtown due to money saving. But traffic to conference is time consuming and not so convince in case of rain. Above is just my personal comments.
Congratulation that your team has organized the Nano S&T-2017 so successful.
Dr. Ichiro Imae, Associate Professor, Hiroshima University, Japan
Thanks to your invitation to the BIT's 7th annual world congress of nanoscience and technology 2017 in Fukuoka, I could have a lot of good experiences at the congress.It was the first attendance to the BIT's congress, but now I have understood that this congress series are very active at the global scale. I am sorry that I did not greet both of you because I did not know your faces and could not recognize you in the venue of the congress. I hope that I will attend this congress series again and would like to say hello to you!
Dr. H. Tarik Baytekin, Assistant Professor, Bilkent University-UNAM, Turkey
Thank you very much and thanks to Organisation Committee for this nice conference. Everything was excellent, organisation without any problem was nice, quality of the talks was very good. You also did some additional work for me, my abstract, I appreciate this. I was very happy to be there in Japan. Please send me information about the next conference.
Dr. Todorka Vladkova, Professor, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia (UCTM), Bulgaria
You are so kined!!! Our traveling back was more short and more comfortable - no tajfun, no long waiting between connected flight. If you need, I could help you for the organization of the next Congress in Germany. I have very much contacts in Germany and I have been many times in Germany.
Dr. Oleg Solonenko, Professor, Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ITAM SB RAS), Russia
Thank you for high-level organized Congress. Everything was OK. I wish you and your colleagues the further successful conferences.
Dr. Anthony W. Coleman, Research Director, University of Lyon, France
It was a great pleasure meeting you personally - also good to meet the other persons. The conference was wonderful and of the highest quality. Really enjoyed it. Just remeber to update the computer or I will use mine When is the Berlin so I can schedule around and bring some young collegues.
Dr. Nurzhan B. Beisenkhanov, Professor, Kazakh-British Technical University, Kazakhstan
I thank you for inviting me to congress in Fukuoka and to the next congress in Germany. Also thank you for your kind words about my speech.The list of participants is very important for us, since among them there are addresses of people with whom a good relationship has developed. Also important for us are the names of the reports and the contents of the abstracts, including our publication. I made an analysis of the number of participants from 60 different countries. Very actively participated Japan, China, South Korea, the United States, France, Taiwan, Russia and Thailand (2/3 participants). In Germany in 2018, the composition can be significantly changed.
Dr. Sungsook Ahn, Research Associate Professor, Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea
Thank you very much for your kind organization of Nano S&T-2017. Great job!! I myself really had a wonderful time in Japan.I would like to receive the information of Nano-2018 in Germany.
Dr. Alexander V. Lyubimov, Associate Professor, The University of Illinois, USA
Thank you much for extremely successful organization of the conference. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Yes, Please send me the info about the next meeting
Dr. Jen-Tse Huang, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Thanks for your kind notice and help in handling our registration. I also appreciated very much for all efforts from the organizing committee for this nice symposium and enjoyed a lot of the nice talks in nanobiotecnology and nanomedicine section. Looking forward to see you again in the symposium next year!
Hugh G. Manning, Postgraduate Student, Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Thank you very much for your email and organization of the conference. I hope that you have also returned home safely.
Dr. Pavel Gladyshev, Professor, Dubna University, Russia
Thank you for the good organization of the conference. All the best to you and succes.
Dr. Werner Lottermoser, Professor, Salzburg University, Austria
Many thanks for your, as always, outstanding and perfect organization of this wonderful Congress and the list of participants enclosed. My congratulations to this success -600 people are twice as what we got with our Mossbauer ICAME 2017 conference at St. Petersburg. Fukuoka was really great and we have been enjoying the stay very much. Wish I could have stayed longer to make some sightseeing trips, e.g., to see the Fujiyama, but - due to lectures to give this week, I could not prolong. But walking at the Beach of Fukuoka (which reminds me of San Francisco very much, by the way) under warm sunshine and temperatures up to 22°C was a real gift! Also the accommodation was perfect with the delicious lunches and dinners - how do you always find such wonderful locations.
Dr. Rainer Timm, Associate Professor, Lund University, Sweden
Thank you very much for your very friendly and professional organization of this exciting conference! I enjoyed it very much.
Dr. Josef Jampilek, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University, Slovakia
It would be my great pleasure to participate in your wonderful symposium. I hope that we will meet again in future.
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