PepCon 2024 | Shanghai, China
★ Program Layout

The 14th Annual World

Protein & Peptide Conference


Theme: Decoding the Mysteries of Life, Accelerating Industrial Development


Time: September 12-14, 2024

Venue: Shanghai, China

Preliminary Program

Stream 1: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum

Part 1: Opening Ceremony

Part 2: Keynote Forum

Part 3: High-end KOL Dialog

Stream 2: Scientific Program

Track 1: Frontiers in Protein/Proteomics Research

Session 1-1: Protein Structure and Function

Session 1-2: Protein-Protein Interactions and Protein-RNA Interactions

Session 1-3: Protein Trafficking and Signaling Transduction

Session 1-4: Post-translational Protein Modifications

Session 1-5: Metabolomics-proteomics Integration

Session 1-6: Single Cell Protein/Proteomics

Session 1-7: Spatial Proteomics

Session 1-8: Precision & Personalized Proteomics

Track 2: Advanced Protein/Proteomics Technologies

Session 2-1:Big Data, Machine Learning and AI for Protein Research

Session 2-2: Higher-Throughput Technology

Session 2-3: Mass Spectrometry in Proteome Research

Session 2-4: Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Session 2-5: Cell-Free Protein Technology

Session 2-6: Real-time Imaging

Session 2-7: New Protein Microarrays and Biochips

Session 2-8: High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Track 3: Proteins /Proteomics in Health and Disease

Session 3-1: Novel Protein Biomarkers

Session 3-2: Protein Folding and Misfolding/Aggregation in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Session 3-3: Cancer Proteomics

Session 3-4: Membrane Proteins in Health and Diseases

Session 3-5: Plasma Protein in Health and Diseases

Session 3-6: Protein Synthesis and Modification in Health and Diseases

Stream 3: Industrial Symposia

Track 4: Protein and Proteomics Drug Discovery

Session 4-1: Protein Drug Targets Identification and Validation

Session 4-2: Protein-based Drug Screening and Optimization

Session 4-3: Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics and Drug Safety Evaluation

Session 4-4: New Protein and Peptide Drug Delivery Systems

Track 5: Advances in Protein Engineering

Session 5-1: Protein Engineering, Design & Selection

Session 5-2: Protein Expression and Purification

Session 5-3: Protein Formulation & Stability

Session 5-4: Protein Analytics and QA/QC

Session 5-5: Enzyme Engineering

Session 5-6: Protein Engineered Biomaterials

Track 6: Novel Peptides Discovery and Applications

Session 6-1: Peptide Discovery, Design and Synthesis

Session 6-2: Peptide as Biomarkers and for Diagnostics

Session 6-3: Peptide-based Drug Discovery

Session 6-4: Next-Generation Peptide Therapeutics

Session 6-5: Peptides and Peptide-based Biomaterials

Session 6-6: Food and Cosmetic Peptides

Stream 4: Young Scientists Forum

Forum 1: Breaking Protein Research

Forum 2: Emerging Protein and Proteomic Technologies

Forum 3: Innovative Protein Design and Expression

Forum 4: Protein Biomarker Discovery

Forum 5:Novel Peptide Design and Synthesis

Forum 6: Protein Engineering

Forum 7:Smart Protein/Peptide Materials

Forum 8: Protein and Peptide Drug Discovery

Forum 9: Innovative Protein/Peptide Bioanalysis

Stream 5: Posters and Exhibition

Stream 5-1: Frontier Posters

Stream5-2: New Technologies and Equipment Exhibition

Stream 6: Social and Cultural Activities

Activity 1: Joint-Gala Dinner with WCBID

Activity 2: Tech Tour to Campus and Industries

Activity 3: Local Tour in Shanghai

Activity 4: Customized Culture Tour to Other Cities in China

Joint Satellite Clustering Meetings







Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Supporting Organizations
News Updates

● Call for speakers, exhibitors and sponsors worldwide.
● Call for media partners and advertiser worldwide.
● Call for papers

Media Partners

Contact Us

Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609, Fax: 0086-411-84796897
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