The 13th World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell (RMSC-2019)
★ Tentative Scientific Program

Preliminary Program

Chapter times on those days will not be finalized until the overall program schedule is completed.

Program Tracks
(Please click each Assembly for detailed program information)

Assembly 1 Leadership Summit of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cells
-Rethinking Global Strategy, Law, Ethic, Tech Trend, Financing and Market Outlook

Assembly 2 Forum of Breaking Basic Researches on RMSC
-From Wisdom, Knowledge, Theory to Understanding and Decoding the Secrete Triad World of RMSC & Tissue Engineering

Assembly 3 Disruptive and Innovative Hi-Tech Summit
-Hottest RMSC Technologies and Innovations Generating Great Impacts on the Next Decade

Assembly 4 Smart Triad Bioprocessing Symposium
-Robust, High Yield, and High-Quality Production Processes of Stem Cells, Tissues and Regenerative Biotherapy

Assembly 5 Career & Business Development Forum
-Talents, Networking, Business, Investment, and Contribute to the Society

Assembly 6 Translational Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Engineering Forum
-Vigorously Developing the Regenerative Potentials and Applications for Healthy, Wealthy, Beautiful and Solemn Life

Assembly 7 Sino-X/Cross-Trait RMSC Partnership Forum
-Accelerating RMSC Scientific Research of Bilateral, Multilateral International or Regional Collaborations

Assembly 8 Case Studies on Current Trend of Chinese Stem Cell R&D
-Sharing Successful Experiences on Legal, Policy and Best Practices of Chinese Stem Cell R & D and Innovative Treatment

Assembly 9 Posters, Exposition and Matchmaking
-Sourcing Novel Products, New Methods and Technology, Instrument and Equipment, Innovative Treatment and Potential Project Partnership

Assembly 10 Social & Cultural Events
-Enjoying the Happy Time, Delicious Food, Unforgettable Friendship, Exotic Romance, Chinese Culture and Happy Tour


Assembly 2 Forum of Breaking Basic Researches on RMSC

Chapter 7 Stem Cell Biology and Interdisciplinary Research

Session 7-1:Advances in Stem Cell Biology

Time: 13:30-17:10, November 1, 2019 (Friday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Marcie Glicksman, Chief Scientific Officer, Orig3n, Inc., USA


Dr. Chunmiao Jiang, Associate Professor, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, China


Chair’s Introduction


Title: Aging is a Problem in Physics not Biology
Dr. Leonard Hayflick,
Professor, University of California, USA


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Melpo Christofidou-Solomidou,
Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USA


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Meilang Xue,
Associate Professor, University of Sydney at Royal North Shore Hospital, Australia


Coffee Break


Title: Cancer Stem-Like Cells in Benign Odontogenic Tumors
Dr. Chunmiao Jiang,
Associate Professor, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, China


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Mark L. Weiss,
Professor, Kansas State University; Founding Fellow, the Midwest Institute for Comparative Stem Cell Biotechnology, USA


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Mina Mina,
Professor, University of Connecticut Health Center, USA


Title: Identification of a Missing Link in the Regulated Secretory Pathway in Cells
Dr. Qiu-Xing Jiang,
Associate Professor, University of Florida, USA

Session 7-2: Stem Cell CRISPR/Cas and Genome Editing

 Time:08:30-10:30, November 2, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China
Chair Call for Chair
Co-Chair Call for Co-chair
08:30-08:35 Chair’s Introduction

Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here

09:00-09:25 Title: New CRISPR Tools Development for Genome Engineering
Dr. Dmitriy Yu. Gushchin,
Moscow Physics and Technology Institute, Russia

Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here

09:50-10:15 Title: Emerging Applications for DNA Writing and Molecular Recording
Dr. Fahim Farzadfard,
Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
10:15-10:30 Coffee Break

Session 7- 3: Hematopoietic, Embryonic Stem Cells and Bio-Banking

Time:08:30-10:30, November 2, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Federico Benetti, President, Benetti Foundation, Argentina


Dr. Tomasz Baran, Sales and Marketing Director at Polish Stem Cell Bank (PBKM), FamiCord Group, Poland


Chair’s Introduction


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Embriofetalsstem Cells Experience in Heart Failure Patients and Future Directions
Dr. Federico Benetti,
President, Benetti Foundation, Argentina


Title: Scaling bioinformatics applications on HPC clusters
Dr. Mike Mikailov,
Computer Scientist, FDA/CDRH/OSEL/DIDSR, USA


Title: Cord Blood Banking in Europe
Dr. Tomasz Baran,
Sales and Marketing Director at Polish Stem Cell Bank (PBKM), FamiCord Group, Poland


Coffee Break

Session 7- 4: Stem Cell Epigenetics

Time:08:30-10:30, November 2, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Pedro A. Jose, Professor, The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences, USA


Dr. Céline Tiffon, Scientific Officer, National Cancer Institute, France


Chair’s Introduction


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Xiuqian Mu,
Associate Professor, University at Buffalo, School of Medicine and Biological Sciences, USA


Title: Histone Deacetylase Inhibition Restores Expression of Hypoxia-inducible Protein NDRG1 in Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. Céline Tiffon,
Scientific Officer, National Cancer Institute, France


Title: Pharmacogenomics of Hypertension
Dr. Pedro A. Jose,
Professor, The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences, USA


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Coffee Break

Session 7- 5: Stem Cell Fate- Self-renewal, Maintenance, Differentiation, Aging

Time:08:30-12:10, November 3, 2019 (Sunday) Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Larry F. Lemanski, Director, Biomedical Institute for Regenerative Research(BIRR), USA


Dr. V. Prasad Shastri, Director, University of Freiburg, Germany


Chair’s Introduction


Title: R-Spondins and WNT-related Mechanisms in Lgr5+ Stem Cells, Development and Cancer
Dr. Marc Leushacke,
Project Leader, Epithelial Regeneration and Cancer, A*STAR Institute of Medical Biology, Singapore


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: A Fetal Human Heart Cardiac inducing RNA that Promotes the differentiation of Stem Cells into Cardiomyocyes
Dr. Larry F. Lemanski,
Director, Biomedical Institute for Regenerative Research(BIRR), USA


Title: Regenerative Medicine in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Dr. Shiqing Zhang,
Research Fellow, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong China


Coffee Break


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. V. Prasad Shastri,
Director, University of Freiburg, Germany


Title: Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells-derived Exosomes Promote Neural Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells
Dr. Huiming Xu,
Associate Professor, Clinical Stem Cell Research Center, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Mingyao Ying,
Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University, USA


Title: Enriched Differentiation of Functional Cardiac Pacemaker Like Cells from Hipsc through Combined Modulation of BPM, FGF and RA Signaling Pathway
 Dr. Rui Zhou,
Associate Professor, Southwest Medical University, China

Session 7-6: Stem Cells and Microenvironment

Time:13:30-15:30, November 1, 2019 (Friday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China
Chair Dr. David Goren, Senior Vice President, Microsemi Corporation, USA
Co-Chair Call for Co-chair

Chair’s Introduction


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Cold Storage of Hearts from Brain-Dead Donors Using A Preservation Solution, Supplemented by A Mesenchymal Stem Cell Conditioned Medium Improves Contractile Function of Graft after Heart Transplantation in Rats
Dr. Kunsheng Li, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, China


Title: Building a Better Ecosystem to Improve Outcomes for Patients
Dr. David Goren, Senior Vice President, Microsemi Corporation, USA

14:50-15:15 Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Dharani Hapangama,
Professor, University of Liverpool, UK
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break

Session 7-7: Gene, Pluripotency, Differentiation and Reprogramming

Time:13:30-15:30, November 1, 2019 (Friday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China

Chair Dr. Jiankai Luo, Professor, University of Rostock, Germany
Co-Chair Call for Co-chair
13:30-13:35 Chair’s Introduction
13:35-14:00 Title: Proteins Promote Neuronal Differentiation of Neural Progenitor Cells
Dr. Jiankai Luo,
Professor, University of Rostock, Germany
14:00-14:25 Title: Comparison of Trophic Factors Secreted from Human Adipose-Derived Stromal Vascular Fraction with Those from Adipose-Derived Stromal
Dr. Tokunori Yamamoto,
Associate Professor, Nagoya University, Japan

Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here

14:50-15:15 Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Sen-Yung Hsieh,
Professor and Director, Chang Gung Mem Hospital, Taiwan
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break

Session 7-8: Stem Cell Transplantation

Time:08:30-12:10, November 3, 2019 (Sunday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Linda J Burns, Vice President and Medical Director, National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match, USA


Dr. Takayasu Ohtake, Director, Shonan Kamakura General Hospital, Japan


Chair’s Introduction


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Linda J Burns,
Vice President and Medical Director, National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match, USA


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Yuji Heike,
Professor, St Luke’s International University, Japan


Coffee Break

 10:30-10:55 Title: Autologous CD34+ Cell Transplantation for Critical Limb Ischemia in Hemodialysis Patients
Dr. Takayasu Ohtake, Director, Shonan Kamakura General Hospital, Japan

Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here

 11:20-11:45 Title: Combined Use of Adipose Derived Stem Cells and Platelet Rich Plasma in Fat Graft
Dr. Pietro Gentile,
Professor, The Catholic University, Italy

Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here

Chapter 8 Roadmap of Tissue Engineering

Time:13:30-15:30, November 1, 2019 (Friday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Adam Ostrzenski, Professor, Howard University, USA


Call for Co-chair


Chair’s Introduction


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Characterization and Optimization of the Seeding Process of Adipose Stem Cells on the Polycaprolactone Scaffolds
Dr. Agata Kurzyk,
Department of Regenerative Medicine, Maria Sklodowska Curie Institute – Oncology, Poland


Title: New Anatomical an Histological Discoveries
Dr. Adam Ostrzenski,
Professor, Howard University, USA


Title: CAMKs Support Development of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Dr. Wang Li,
Lecturer, DaLian University of Technology Panjin Campus, China


Coffee Break

Chapter 9 Blue Print of Regenerative Medicine

Time:13:30-17:10, November 1, 2019 (Friday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Behnam Ahmadian Baghbaderani, Senior Scientific Manager, Lonza Cell Therapy Development Services, Switzerland


Dr. Salaheldin Halasa, Founder and CEO, Nitromedicine LLC, USA


Chair’s Introduction


Title: Use of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells for Cutaneous Repair and Skin Substitute Elaboration
Dr. Alexis Desmouliere,
Professor of Physiology, University of Limoges, France


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. M.E. Hammadeh,
Professor, University of Saarland, Germany


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Behnam Ahmadian Baghbaderani,
Senior Scientific Manager, Lonza Cell Therapy Development Services, Switzerland


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Larissa Lapteva,
Associate Director, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA


Coffee Break


Title: Combination of Nitric Oxide Therapy, Anti-Oxidative Therapy, Low Level Laser Therapy, Plasma Rich Platelet Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy as A Novel Therapeutic Application to Manage the Pain and Treat Many Clinical Conditions
Dr. Salaheldin Halasa,
Founder and CEO, Nitromedicine LLC, USA


Title: Development of Cardiac Fibroblast-based Cell Therapy Product for Chronic Heart Failure
Dr. Takahiro Iwamiya,
CEO, Research and Development, Metcela Inc.; Project Research Associate, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, Japan


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: LINGO-1 shRNA Loaded by Pluronic F-127 Promotes Functional Recovery after Ventral Root Avulsion
Dr. Hongfu Wu,
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Guangdong Medical University, China

Chapter 10 Breakthroughs in Disclosing Specific Functional Stem Cells

Time:08:30-10:30, November 2, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Nick Kostovic, President, Bio Technological Health Center, Inc., USA


Call for Co-chair


Chair’s Introduction


Title: Mechanisms and Applications of Stem Cell Therapy in Pain Medicine
Dr. Jianguo Cheng,
Professor, Cleveland Clinic, USA


Title: The Differences between DNA and RNA Done from Today Science
Dr. Nick Kostovic,
President, Bio Technological Health Center, Inc., USA


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Self-assembly and Transport Mechanisms Governed by Sterols Transporters: A Multiscale Study
Dr. Rafal Jakubowski,
University of Warsaw, Poland


Coffee Break

Chapter 11 Scientific Innovations in Tissue & Organ Engineering

Time:13:30-17:10, November 2, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Jeffrey O. Hollinger, Emeritus Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, USA


Dr. Konstantinos I. Papadopoulos, Chief Operations Officer, THAI StemLife, Thailand


Chair’s Introduction


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Barritault Denis,
President, OTR3, France


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Bone Morphogenetic Protein Emphasis
Dr. Jeffrey O. Hollinger,
Emeritus Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, USA


Title: Usefulness of New Method Using Absorbable Sealing Materials and Fibrin Glue to Wound of Partial Glossectomy ��Long-Term Evaluation and Piled-Up Method
Dr. Masahiro Iwata,
Professor, Uji Tokushukai Medical Center, Japan


Coffee Break


Title: Autologous Cord Blood Stem Cells in Cerebral Palsy
Dr. Konstantinos I. Papadopoulos,
Chief Operations Officer, THAI StemLife, Thailand


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. C. Thomas Vangsness,
Professor, Keck School of Medicine of USC, USA


Title: Effects on Periodontal Tissue Regeneration by Conditioned Mediums Derived from Gingival Mesenchymal Stem Cells and  Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells: a Comparative Study in Rats
Dr. Aimei Song,
Chief physician, Shandong University, China


Title: The Role of Circulating Stem Cells for in Vivo Artery Regeneretion by Using Temporary Scaffolds
Dr. Giovanni Abatangelo,
Full Professor at the Institute of Histology and Embryology, University of Padova, Italy

Chapter 12 Current Milestones in RMSC

Time:08:30-12:10, November 2, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Dalian International Conference Center, China


Dr. Arnold Schwartz, Professor, University of Cincinnati, USA


Call for Co-chair


Chair’s Introduction


Title: The Role of Calcium in Heart Function and Dysfunction
Dr. Arnold Schwartz,
Professor, University of Cincinnati, USA


Title: Investigating the Nexus between DNA Repair Pathways and Genomic Instability in Cancer
Dr. Sonali Bhattacharjee,
Scientist, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Ling Wang,
Assistant Professor, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, USA


Coffee Break


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Tumor Mutational Burden and Other Tissue Agnostic Biomarkers for Cancer Immunotherapy
Dr. Aaron Goodman,
Hematologist, UC San Diego Health, USA


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Paradigm Shift in Building Body’s Own Immune System in AIDS, Cancer & All Immuno Compromised Patients via Cytokines Released by Stem Cells in Response to Immunity Booster RECEPTOL, Globally Patented US FDA Approved Product
Dr. Pawan Saharan,
Founder CEO, Biomix Network INC. USA, India


Early Bird Register

International Chair

Dr. Jürgen Hescheler,
Chairman, The German Society for Stem Cell Research, Germany


Dr. Jing Liu,
Dean,Dalian Academy of Stem Cell Precision Medicine Innovation, China

News Updates

● The scientific program has updated
● Call for Session Chairs and Speakers
● Call for speakers, exhibitors and sponsors worldwide.
● Call for paper

Hosting Organizations
China Medicinal Biotech Association
IRCIT, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Co-Hosting Organizations

Liaoning Province Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Industry Alliance

Liaoning Society for Cell Biology

Dalian Association for Science & Technology

Dalian Society of Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering

Dalian Innovation Institute of Stem Cell and Precision Medicine

The German Society for Stem Cell Research

Korea Council for Advanced Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cell Society of India

The American Society for Neural Therapy and Repair Federation of Bombay Blood Banks

Operation Organization

BIT Group Global Ltd.

Journal Partnerships
Neural Regeneration Research (NRR)
Journal of Stem cells and Regenerative Medicine

Official Travel Agency
Media Partners

Upcoming Events

Contact Us
Add: East Area, F11, Building 1, Dalian Ascendas IT Park, 1 Hui Xian Yuan, Dalian Hi-tech Industrial Zone, LN 116025, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609-842, Fax: 0086-411-84796897
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