Advisory Board Members
Dr. Steve Faraci, CSO, Cyta Therapeutics, Inc., USA
Dr. Amr Amin, Professor, UAE University, UAE
Dr. Abbas Amini, Assistant Professor, Western Sydney University, Australia
Dr. Dieter Lubda, Director, Actives & Formulation R&D Operations, Merck, Germany
Dr. Faz Chowdhury, CEO, Nemaura Pharma Limited, UK
Dr. Finn Bauer, Director, Solid Formulations R&D, Merck KGaA, Germany
Dr. Franz Suter, Head of Operation, Mibelle Biochemistry, Switzerland
Dr. Gabriele Blume, Director, R&D, Sopharcos, Germany
Dr. Gert Fricker, Director, Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology, University of
Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Gjumrakch Aliev, President & CEO, GALLY International Biomedical Research Consulting
LLC., USA; Professor of Cardiovascular, Neuropathology, Gerontology, Health Science and Healthcare
Administration, University of Atlanta, USA
Dr. Heather Sheardown, Professor, McMaster University, Canada
Dr. Igor Gonda, President & CEO, Aradigm Corporation, USA
Dr. Iwao Ojima, Distinguished Professor, Stony Brook University – State University of New
York; Director , Institute of Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery, USA
Dr. Joel Richard, Senior Vice President, Peptides Development, Technical Operations, France
Dr. Josef Jampilek, Professor, Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Comenius University, Slovakia
Dr. John L. Cavallo, Vice President, Trilogy Essential Ingredients, Inc., USA
Dr. John McCarty, President, IntraTAB Labs Inc., USA
Dr. Karel Slama, Director, Laboratory of Insect Physiology, Czech Republic
Dr. Michel Meunier, Professor, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
Dr. Pieter J. Vos, CEO, MyLife Technologies BV, The Netherlands
Dr. Rodolphe Obeid, Director, Research and Development; Director, Process Development and
Manufacturing Scale-Up, IntelGenx Corp., Canada
Dr. Tapas De, Chief Executive Officer, LipoMedics Inc, USA
Dr. Thomas Birngruber, Head, Biomedical Engineering and Monitoring Research Group, JOANNEUM
Research, Austria
Dr. Tuula Ryde, Director, R&D Operations, iCeutica, USA
Dr. Won B Jeon, Director, The Laboratory of Biochemistry and Cellular Engineering, DGIST,
South Korea
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