In order to further reflect the "enhanced cooperation, resource sharing, mutual benefit and common development" purposes, to display the strength of company, enhance the influence of the brand image for this event, the committee will specially offer a conference sponsor program.
Advantages of Sponsorship
• High Return on Brand Reputation and Brand Exposure in International Marketing
• Face-to-face Communication with Top International Experts
• Provide an Ideal Medium to Position Your Product
• Improve Public Relations for Your Business
• Build Professional Relationships to Improve Innovation
• Enhance Brand Recognition, Understanding & Trust
• Provide Unlimited Business Opportunities
Sponsorship programs are uniquely designed to meet your business development goals and objectives. Demonstrate your expertise to top decision-makers representing biotech, big pharma, academic research institutions, national labs, and clinical research organizations. Sponsors gain direct access to top-tier delegates and have an opportunity to optimize their purchasing and collaborative decisions.
Sponsorship Packages
Each sponsorship package is specially designed for the conference. Choose the package that best complements your company’s strategic marketing.
▶ Plenary Forum (1 Opportunity: $15,000)
1. The Naming Right of Plenary Forum
2. One Speech Opportunity at Plenary Meeting (15-20mins)
3. One Standard Booth
4. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Program Book
5. Three Free Passes to All Programs
6. Ten Free Passes to Your Consumers (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
7. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor's Name, Logo and Link
8. Conference Proceeding and Backdrop Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
9. One Invitation for Opening Ceremony and Welcome Banquet
10. Brochures Handout (Provided by Sponsor) in Conference Bag
▶ Welcome Banquet (1 Opportunity: $25,000)
1. Obtain Title of ‘Exclusive Sponsor for Banquet’, the Naming Right of Banquet Invitation and Backdrop
2. Play Promo Videos prior to Banquet
3. 5-10 Minute Welcome Remarks prior to the Banquet
4. One Standard Booth
5. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Program Book
6. Five Free Passes to All Programs
7. Ten Free Passes to Your Consumers (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
8. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor's Name, Logo and Link
9. Conference Proceeding and Backdrop Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
10. One Invitation for Opening Ceremony and Welcome Banquet
11. Brochures Handout (Provided by Sponsor) in Conference Bag
12. Venue Advertisement for Banquet(Provided by Sponsor)
▶ Parallel Session ($5,000/Session)
1. The Naming Right of Parallel Session
2. One Speech Opportunity at Parallel Session (20-25mins)
3. Advertisement Board in Parallel Session (Designed and Printed by Sponsor)
4. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceeding
5. Three Free Passes to All Programs
6. Five Free Passes to Your Consumers (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
7. Brochures Handout (Provided by Sponsor) in Parallel Session
8. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor's Name, Logo and Link
9. Session Backdrops Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
▶ Coffee Break (1 Opportunity:$6,000)
Notice: To bear the cost of all tea breaks during the meeting time period (5 times in 3 days). (Can be sponsored on a single day)
1. The Naming Right of Coffee Break
2. Advertisement Board inCoffee Break (Designed and Printed by Sponsor)
3. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceeding
4. Three Free Passes to All Programs
5. Five Free Passes to Your Consumers (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
6. Brochures Handout (Provided by Sponsor) in Coffee Break
7. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor's Name, Logo and Link
8. Conference Proceeding and Backdrop Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
▶ Luncheon (3 Opportunities: $5,000)
Notice: To bear the cost of all lunch during the meeting time period (3 times in 3 days). (Can be sponsored on a single day)
1. The Naming Right of Luncheon
2. Obtain Title of ‘Exclusive Sponsor for Luncheon’, the Naming Right of Luncheon Invitation
3. Venue Advertisement for Luncheon(Provided by Sponsor)
4. Play Promo Videos prior to Luncheon
5. Five Free Passes to All Programs
6. Ten Free Passes to Your Consumers (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
7. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceeding
8. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor's Name, Logo and Link
9. Conference Proceeding and Backdrop Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
▶ USB Disk (1 Opportunity: $3,000)
1. Sponsor's Name and Logo on USB Disk
2. One Free Passes to All Programs (including the lunch, welcome banquet and conference materials)
3. Five Free Passes to Your Consumers or the Third Party (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
4. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceeding
5. The Brochure or Backdrop Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
▶ Tags & Rope (1 Opportunity: $5,000)
1. Sponsor's Name and Logo on Tags & Rope
2. Three Free Passes to All Programs
3. Five Free Passes to Your Consumers (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
4. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceeding
5. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor's Name, Logo and Link
6. Conference Proceeding and Backdrop Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
▶ Signature Wall (1 Opportunities: $5,000)
1. Sponsor's Name and Logo on Signature Wall
2. Three Free Passes to All Programs
3. Five Free Passes to Your Consumers (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
4. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceeding
5. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor's Name, Logo and Link
6. Conference Proceeding and Backdrop Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
▶ Business Visits (2 Opportunities: $10,000)
1. Invitation to 20-30 Guests for Business Visits
2. Sponsor is Responsible for Arranging Bus
3. Five Free Passes to All Programs
4. Ten Free Passes to Your Consumers (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
5. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceeding
6. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor's Name, Logo and Link
7. Conference Proceeding and Backdrop Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
▶ Dinner (2 Opportunities: $10,000)
Notice: To bear the cost of all Dinner during the meeting time period (3 times in 3 days). (Can be sponsored on a single day)
1. The Naming Right of Dinner
2. Obtain Title of ‘Exclusive Sponsor for Dinner’, the Naming Right of Dinner Invitation
3. Venue Advertisement for Dinner (Provided by Sponsor)
5. Play Promo Videos of 30 minutes prior to Dinner
5. Three Free Passes to All Programs (including the lunch, welcome banquet and conference materials)
6. Five Free Passes to Your Consumers or the Third Party (Without meal tickets and conference materials)
7. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceeding
8. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor's Name, Logo and Link
9. The Brochure or Backdrop Exposure for Sponsor's Name and Logo
▶ Others
1. VIP Attendees ($5000)
To bear the cost (including: Transportation, Accommodation, Registration Fees, etc.) of all the VIPs (including: Keynote Speakers, Session Speakers, Invited Guests, Committee Members, etc.) according to the Speaker Level and Content. Please consult with Organizing Committee for the actual expenses.
2. Conference Amenities
To undertake the production cost of conference amenities including conference bags, writing pads, pencils, and souvenirs, etc..Please consult with Organizing Committee for details.
3. Outdoor Advertising & Media
To undertake the production cost ofoutdoor advertising including billboards, balloons, banners, ribbons, road signs, etc..Please consult with Organizing Committee for details.
To undertake thecost of Media promotion, including TV, newspaper, network, bus billboards, etc..Please consult with Organizing Committee for details.
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