The 3rd Smart Manufacturing Forum
★ ProgramLayout

BIT's 3rd Annual Congress of

Smart Manufacturing

Theme: Intelligent Making in Ind 4.0

Time: August 26-28, 2021
Venue: Dalian World EXPO, China

Program Layout

Block 1: Main Conference

Part 1: Welcome Banquet and Opening Ceremony
Part 2: Global Smart Manufacturing Development Leadership Summit
Part 3: Keynote Forum: Northeast Asia SM Frontier
(Keynote Speakers from China, Korea, Japan, Russia)
Part 4: Plenary Lectures on Future Manufacturing

Block 2: Innovation Symposia
Session 201: AI Session 205: Intelligent Systems and Autonomous Decision-making
Session 202: Industry Robots Session 206: 5G and Smart Manufacturing
Session 203: VR/AR/MR Session 207: Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technology
Session 204: Digital Twin-driven Smart Manufacturing Session 208: Industrial Internet
Block 3: Best Practice Forum
Session 301: New Smart Machinery and Equipment Session 303: Smart Supply Chain and Logistics
Session 302: Smart Digital Factories, Workshops and Production Lines Session 304: Smart Operations Management, Decision-making and Services
Block 4: Hot Paper Oral Briefing and Northeast Asia Young Roboticist Forum
(15 Min Each)

Block 5: Gold Deer Award Ceremony for Top 100 Young Scientists

WCR Gold Deer Academy Award
(Cash Award+ Certificate +Cup, upto $50,000 for Top 100 Selected Talented Young Scientists in Robotics and AI Research

Block 6: Exposition and Poster Session
Zone 1: Products and Technology Exhibition Zone 2: Poster Showcase
Block 7: Business, Social and Cultural Activities
Activity 1: Welcome Banquet and Art Performance Activity 4: Meet with Your Mentors
Activity 2: Pre-scheduling Appointment Activity 5: City Consulting Committee Initiative for Enhancing the Development for City Robotic Economy
Activity 3: Investment Road Show for Entrepreneurship Activity 6: Romantic Cultural Tours in China
Block 8: Pre-/Post Meetings, Self-Organized Symposia, and Joint Events
Call for Joint Events with Professional, Friendly, Noble, and Enthusiastic International Organizations on Robotics and AI
(BIT Group supports you for Success)

Online Registration
News Release
● Call for Session Chairs, Speakers and Attendees
● Speaking Proposals are now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now
● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance and enjoy favorable discount    
●Call for collaborative partners, medias and journals
Hosting Organization

Information Research Center of International Talent, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Operating Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.

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