BIT's 6th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2020 (WCSM-2020)
★ Scientific Programme

Smart Materials-2021

Time: March 10-12, 2021

Venue: Barcelona, Spain



Scientific Program

Stream 1

Stream 2

Stream 3

Stream 4

Stream 5

Poster & Paper

Stream 6

Stream 7

Stream 8

Stream 9

Stream 10


Please Attention:
The below program are not the confirmed version, the program will be mini changed according to the situation of each session before conference date. For the conference program layout, please click HERE


Stream 7: Smart Optical and Magnetic Materials



 Session 701: Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

Time: 08:30-12:10, March 11, 2021 (Thursday)
Place: Catalonia Barcelona Plaza

Chair: Dr. Lars Thylen, Professor Emeritus, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Co-Chair:  Call for Co-Chair



Speeches and Speakers


Title: Radio Frequency Conversion Techniques by Using an Opto-Electronic Devices
Dr. Seiji Fukushima,
Professor, Kagoshima University, Japan


Title: Studying Long-Wavelength Wafer Fused VCSEL in Period Doubling State
Dr. Mikhail E. Belkin,
Professor and Head of Department, Moscow Technological University MIREA, Russia


Title: Smart Lighting and Reliable Projector for Aircraft Applications Based on Augmented Reality and Data Transfer
Dr. Yannick Deshayes,
Associate Professor, University of Bordeaux, France
09:45-10:10 Title: “Impurity” Effects in the Edge Photoconductivity Spectra of CdS Crystals
Mr. Rustem A. Bisengaliev,
Associate Professor, Kalmyk State University, Russia
10:10-10:30 Coffee Break

Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Session 702: Optical Materials and Novel Laser Technology

Time: 13:30-17:10, March 11, 2021 (Thursday)
Place: Catalonia Barcelona Plaza

Chair: Call for Chair

Co-Chair:  Call for Co-Chair



Speeches and Speakers


Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Colour and Appearance, A Large Scale Property from Nano to Macro

Dr. Patrick Callet, President, French Color Center, France


Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here

14:45-15:10 Title: TBD
Dr. Manuel Filipe Costa,
Professor, University of Minho, Portugal
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-15:55 Title: microPREP PRO – New Vistas for Sample Preparation
Mr. Boris Rottwinkel,
microPREP Sales Manager, 3D-Micromac AG, Germany

Title: Non-destructive evaluation and laser damage resistance of atomic layer deposited dielectric
Dr. Roelene Botha,
Division Manager Optical Coatings, RhySearch, Switzerland


Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Improvement of Laser Rangefinders with Pulse Energy Safe for Human Eyes
V. V. Besogonov,
Institute of Mechanics, Ural Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia


Session 703: Magnetic, Multiferronic Materials and Superconductors

Time: 13:30-17:10, March 11, 2021 (Thursday)
Place: Catalonia Barcelona Plaza

Chair: Dr. Renata Bujakiewicz-Koronska, Vice-Director, Institute of Physics, Cracow Pedagogical University, Poland
Co-Chair: Dr. Xin Yao, Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (TBD)



Speeches and Speakers


Keynote Speech
Mechanical Strength Testing by means of Centrifugal Adhesion Testing (CAT)
Dr. Uwe Beck,
Head, Division 6.7 “Surface Modification and Measurement Techniques”, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research, Germany


Title: Searching Multiferroics: Structural, Magnetic, Dielectric and Mechanical Properties of (Ba, Sr) MnO3 Ceramics
Dr. Renata Bujakiewicz-Koronska,
Vice-Director, Institute of Physics, Cracow Pedagogical University, Poland

Title: Hybrid Structures of 2D Materials and Single Molecule Magnets
Dr. Jacek A. Majewski,
Professor, University of Warsaw, Poland


Title: TBD
Dr. Xin Yao,
Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

15:10-15:30 Coffee Break

Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here





Hosting Organization

National Foreign Experts Databank of MOST (Dalian Branch)

Media Partners

Comments on WCSM Events

I enjoyed the conference and city of Rome. The conference involves wide variety of topics with many especially companies. It was exciting to me. I hope WCSM-2020 will be successful one.

---- Dr. Masaaki Niwa, Japan


Thank you for the wonderful conference which you and your team had organized in Osaka Japan. The talks were of really high quality and the opportunity to network amongst the participants was very beneficial.

----Dr. Brando Okolo, Germany


Thank you very much for having given me the chance to attend the high quality conference. Frankly, your organization is quite good which is above the level of most international conferences which I have attended so far. One suggestion is that in the future, it is better not to include most activities on Saturday and Sunday since the western men think the weekends belongs to personal free time.

-- Dr. Bao-Yu Zong, Singapore


It was a beautiful conference, very well organized and managed! I really have only words of appreciation! It was a very distinguished group of personalities and I am most honored to have been selected to be a part of. Thanks to you, I also had the extraordinary opportunity to visit Japan!

----Dr. Ana Maria Dabija, Romania


It was a real pleasure for me to participate in WCSM. It was my first visit to Japan, and I was very impressed by this country. Congress was organized very well. Thank you. I look forward to attending your future meeting in Rome.

----Dr. Sergey Nikitenko, France


Thank you for your kind email. It was a pleasure to be invited to your congress and really a great honour attend it with so such learned scientists. Actually I don't think you need my suggestions because everything went well. I am so happy you had chosen Italy for the next congress.



I really enjoyed very much this conference and all of the interesting topics included in the program. Thank you for the expert organisation of the event.

---Dr. Rita Skoda-Földes, Hungary


I would like to thank you again for the excellent conference. Everything was organized exceptionally well. Thank you.

I look forward to attending your future conferences. Please keep me posted.

---Dr. Reza Abbaschian, USA


I would like to thank you for your kind email. In my humble opinion, the conference was very organized. The only suggestion I would provide is that the speakers to have a portable microphone. That will help projecting their voice all the time even if they are explaining things on the screen.

--- Dr. Adel Alhalawani, Canada


We enjoyed the BKK conference very much. It was one of the most well-organized conferences which we had attended. This year the poster session was improved compared with that in the Singapore conference. Although we found some very interseting posters, we could not contact and discuss with the authors.

--- Dr. Hitoshi Kunoh, Japan


It was a pleasure attending to Smart Materials 2016, to visit Singapore and to be with my family. I really enjoyed it.

Regarding the congress, I enjoyed it very much, in special the session of my communication, and I learnt a lot. I only have to point the strong air conditioning. The room temperature was too low. Once I had to go outside to become warm! But it seems that is usual in Singapore.

--- Dr. Sofia Capelo, Portugal

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Tel: 0086-411-84799609, Fax: 0086-411-84796897
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