WCAM 2024 | Osaka, Japan

Online Registration

Concurrent Conference

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Supporting Organizations

American Elements, global manufacturer of high purity nanopowders, composites, functionalized & smart materials for sensors, defense, aerospace, & biotechnology.

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Past Conference Report

9th WCAM-2023, Tokyo

After nearly three-year’s meticulous preparation, The 9th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials (WCAM-2023), hosted by World High Technology Society, supported by The SciEdTech Platform, GoPhotonics, Journal of Inzynieria Materialowa Materials Engineering and operated by BIT Group Global LTD., was successfully held in Shinagawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo, Japan on May 08-10, 2023. This scientific meeting consisted of 21 parallel sessions together, attracted nearly 150 specialists from over 30 countries and areas joining it. 


On-site Registration Moment


The Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum took place on Monday’s afternoon, and the world-leading scientists, Mr. Yoshio Tamura, President of Asian Operations, DSCC, Japan; Dr. Dilum Fernando, Chair of Structural Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK; Dr. Florian Kongoli, CEO, FLOGEN Technologies Inc., USA; Elected Honorary Member of the Lorraine Academy of Sciences; Elected Member of Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Science; Dr. Frank Kuechenmeister, Team Leader, GlobalFoundries, Dresden Module One LLC & Co. KG, Germany; Mr. John H. Patterson, President, JP Innovation, Inc., USA; Dr. Claudia L. Bianchi, Professor, University of Milan, Italy presented the keynote lectures. More than 120 honored guests attended those important activities. Dr. Dilum Fernando and Mr. Yoshio Tamura as moderators of the two parts expressed great gratitude to the presence of all delegates, speakers and participants and particularly wished all the guests a memorable stay in Tokyo, Japan on behalf of the organizing committee.


Keynote & Parallel Sessions


The program of WCAM-2023 comprised 21 parallel sessions. Hot topics and new ideas on advanced materials development were hotly discussed and exchanged by presenters and visitors in the three-day's diversified program. With its huge success in Japan, we believe this meeting could play a vital role in bringing the world's experts and scientists to reunite during and after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and rebuilding an international platform for them to show their research breakthrough and promote mutual cooperation on the global stage.


Welcome Banquet


Before, during and after the conference, we received warm support and valuable suggestions from the delegates on how to better plan and organize the next conference. Depending on the invaluable and precious experiences, we are quite confident in WCAM-2024 which would be more successful. All committee members are looking forward to meeting you again in 2024. 



8th WCAM-2019, Osaka

BIT’s 8th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials-Japan 2019 (WCAM-2019) which was held in Hyatt Regency Osaka, Japan during July 22-24, achieved a consummation. 



The theme of this conference is “Redefining Next Generation Disruptive Materials". Over 200 honored guests presented at the ceremony and gave brilliant speeches on invitation, among them are Knighted Sir Dr. David N Payne, the Director of the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the University of Southampton, Fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering from UK; Dr. Jun’ichi Sone, the Ex-Executive Vice President of National Institute for Materials Science, Principal Fellow of Japan Science and Technology Agency, and Former President of the Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Japan; Dr. Ling Zhao, the Ex-Dean of State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering from East China University of Science and Technology, the Changjiang Distinguished Professor awarded by Ministry of Education from China; Dr. Guocai Chai, Professor of the Linkoping University, Sandvik Group Expert of Sandvik Materials Technology, Board Member of the Mechanics Society, and Swedish Royal Academy of Science from Sweden; Dr. Hideaki Takayanagi, the Vice President of Tokyo University of Science in Japan; Dr. Kiyoshi Nokihara, CEO & CSO of HiPep Laboratories in Japan and Professor of Nanjing Medical University in China; Dr. Masakazu Anpo, the Ex-Vice President & Emeritus Professor of Osaka Prefecture University in Japan; and Special Honor Professor & International Advisor of Fuzhou University in China …etc.




This annual congress comprised 4 Parts and 26 sessions following the ceremony, under the areas of Fundamental Science and Frontiers of Advanced Material Science, Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing, Electronic Materials, Information Materials, Smart System, Nanomaterials, Biomaterials, Bio-Engineering and Materials for Energy, the Environment and Sustainable Engineering…etc.




This annual conference brought together hundreds of specialists from more than 30 countries and areas, which was devoted to the leading issues and popular topics and provide up-to-date information to all over the world. In welcome banquet, all guests appreciated and joined in the brilliant Japanese traditional performances, also expressed sincerely congratulation to successful WCAM.




Depending on the warmly support and good suggestions from all of the participants, we are quite confident in organizing WCAM-2023 (Japan). All of us are looking forward to meeting you again in 2023.




7th WCAM-2018, Xiamen



6th WCAM-2017, Xi’an


Hosting Organization

Official Travel Agency




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