Conference Report

After nearly three-year’s meticulous preparation, Cluster Meeting of Gala Technology 2023 (GalaTech-2023), hosted by World High Technology Society and operated by BIT Group Global LTD., was successfully held in Hotel emisia Sapporo, Japan on January 09-11, 2023. This scientific cluster gathering consisted of nine parallel conferences together, which are The 12th World Gene Convention (WGC-2023), The 12th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk (NT-2023), The 9th Annual Conference of AnalytiX (AnalytiX-2023), The 10th World Congress of Food and Nutrition (WCFN-2023), The 10th Annual World Congress of Ocean (WCO-2023), The 4th World Congress of Education (WCE-2023), The 7th Annual Global Congress of Knowledge Economy (GCKE-2023), The 3rd International Congress of Environment (ICE-2023), and The 10th Annual Global Congress of Catalysis (GCC-2023). The jointly meetings attracted over 300 specialists from 45 countries and areas joining them.

On-site Registration Moment

The first part of Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum took place on Monday’s morning, and the world-leading scientists, Dr. Reiko Kuroda, Professor, Chubu University, Japan, Dr. Michael Strupp, Professor, Ludwig Maximilians University, Germany, Dr. Irene Caesar, President, Wave Genome LLC, USA, Dr. Federico Marini, Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Dr. Adel K. El-Naggar, Associate Professor, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA, and Dr. Pedro Bouchon, Professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile gave brilliant plenary speeches. On Monday’s afternoon, the second part of Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum was convened. Dr. Michael Owen, Dean and Professor, Faculty of Education, Brock University, Canada; Mr. James Fanshawe, Chairman, UK’s Maritime Autonomous Systems Regulatory Working Group, UK; Dr. Hossam A. Gabbar, PEng, RAMSP Fellow, Director of Smart Energy Systems Lab, Ontario Tech University, Canada; Dr. Kenji Sorimachi, Emeritus Professor, Dokkyo Medical University, Japan and President, Environmental Engineering, Co., Ltd., Japan, Dr. Thomas J. J. Muller, Chair Professor of Organic Chemistry, Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Düsseldorf, Germany, and Dr. Christoph Meinel, President and CEO, Hasso Plattner Institute for IT-Systems Engineering, Germany presented the keynote lectures. More than 300 honored guests attended those important activities. Dr. Michael Strupp and Dr. Michael Owen as moderators of the two parts expressed great gratitude to the presence of all delegates, speakers and participants and particularly wished all the guests a memorable stay in Sapporo, Japan on behalf of the organizing committee.

Parallel Sessions

The unique program of Galatech2023 comprised 43 parallel sessions. Hot topics and new ideas on biomedicine and sustainable development were hotly discussed and exchanged by presenters and visitors in the three-day’s diversified program. With its huge success in Japan, we believe this cluster meeting could play a vital role in bringing the world’s experts and scientists to reunite during and after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and rebuilding an international platform for them to show their research breakthrough and promote mutual cooperation on the global stage.

Welcome Banquet

Before, during and after the conference, we received warm support and valuable suggestions from the delegates on how to better plan and organize the next conference. Depending on the invaluable and precious experiences, we are quite confident in Galatech-2024 which would be more successful. All committee members are looking forward to meeting you again in 2024.

Exhibition and Poster

WCE-2023 provides an ideal platform to showcase your novel technologies and products. It is developed to offer comfort to delegates while maximizing exhibitor exposure, the coffee breaks and poster sessions will all take place in the exhibition area promoting frequent repeated opportunities for delegates to visit the exhibits.

Why Reserve a Booth at WCE-2023
● To Meet Face-to-Face with the International Movers and Shakers
● To Meet with Key Decision Marker
● To Explore Business Opportunities
● To Spotlight Advanced Technologies and Their Scientific and Commercial Applications
● To Take Advantage of the Conference's Captive Audience and Networking Opportunities within the Exhibition Hall


Exhibition Date:
Set-up date: January 08, 2022
Show dates: January 09-11, 2023
Place: Sapporo, Japan


WCE-2023 is one of the most effective international marketing platforms in the field of education, which offers a wide range of sponsoring categories for branding and highlighting your company in order to achieve the best publicity.
Expand Your Business - A Cost Effective Sponsorship
● Get Cost and Time Effective Marketing Exposure and Boost Your Brand Recognition
● Set Up Stronger Alliances, New Partnerships
● Showcase Products and Services to a Targeted Prospects of Decision-makers
● Opportunity to Speak and Announce Recent Company Development
● Network from 200+ Professionals Offering Opportunities, before, during and after the Conference

Online Registration
News Release
● Call for Session Chairs, Speakers and Attendees
● Speaking Proposals are now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now
● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance and enjoy favorable discount    
●Call for collaborative partners, medias and journals
Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Operating Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.

Contact Us

Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609, Fax: 0086-411-84575250
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