Theme 1: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum
Part 1: Opening Ceremony
Part 2: Keynote Forum
Theme 2: Parallel Forums
Stream 1: Innovative Tech for Orthopaedics
Session 1-1: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Orthopaedics
Stream 2:Clinical Orthopaedics
Session 2-1: Spine
Session 2-2: Shoulder, Elbow, Hand and Wrist
Session 2-3: Hip Disorder
Session 2-4: Knee, Foot and Ankle
Session 2-5: Trauma and Fracture
Session 2-6: Orthopaedic Infection and Inflammation
Session 2-7: Orthopaedic Rehabilitation and Nursing
Session 2-8: Pediatric Orthopaedics
Stream 3: Frontiers in Orthopaedic Science
Session 3-1: Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
Theme 3: Posters and Exhibition
Zone 1: Posters
Zone 2: Exhibition
Theme 4: Social and Cultural Activities
Activity 1: Welcome Banquet and Cultural Shows
Activity 2: Industrial Sponsored Cocktail Party
Activity 3: Master Tours to Campus
Activity 4: Post-Conference Tou
National Foreign Experts Databank of MOST
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China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Dalian Sub-Council | ![]() |
The Israeli Orthopaedic Association |
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South African Orthopaedic Association |
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