Hosting Organizations
World High Technology Society
Executive Chair
Dr. Xiaodan Mei, President, BIT Congress lnc.
Advisory Board Members ( In Alphabetical Order)
Dr. Anjan Ghosh, Professor, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India
Biography & Research Activities: Dr. Anjan K Ghosh has 35 years of research and teaching experience in the areas of optical information processing, optical communications and photonic sensors. Dr. Ghosh served as a faculty member in the Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IIT Kanpur, India, Nanyang Tech. Univ., Singapore, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, and DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, India. He was the Head of the Dept. of Electrical Eng., Adv. Center for Electronic Sciences, Laser Tech. Program and the Center for Laser Tech., all at IIT Kanpur. Dr. Ghosh was the Vice Chancellor of Tripura (Central) University in Agartala, Tripura, India from 2013 to 2018.
Dr. Bouyer Etienne, Adjunct Director, CEA, France
Biography & Research Activities: Dr. Etienne Bouyer joined the CEA at Grenoble in 2004 and served as head of the Processes and Components for Energy Laboratory (2006-2011), and then adjunct director of the New Technology for Energy Program (2011-2016). In 2017, he holds the position of European Affairs Officer on Material Resource Efficiency. Over the last five years, the overall topic of material resource efficiency in the field of New Technologies of Energy becomes one of its main subject of interest.
Dr. David Bassir, Professor, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard, France
Biography & Research Activities: Previously, Dr. David BASSIR was the Dean of the University of technology (IUT) at the University of Lorraine (France), General Director of Research at the Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics, du Batiment et de l'Industrie (Paris). He has published more than 150 papers in journals, books and conference proceedings, including more than 33 articles in indexed journals. He’s actual scientific research activities are related to Simulation and Modelling of Advances Materials using optimization strategies based heuristic methods, Artificial Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence to solve industrials applications.
Dr. Donald L. G. Sturgeon, CEO & CTO, Multifibers LLC, USA
Biography & Research Activities: Dr. Sturgeon Is CEO & CTO of Multifibers LLC, a science-based industrial textiles start-up that has developed proprietary technology for the metal wire reinforcement of organic fabrics. Held senior positions in an extended career with DuPont de Nemours & Co. that ranged from R&D in the performance, applications and markets for aliphatic and aromatic polyamides and carbon fibers, to the operating and managing of the resulting global advanced materials businesses.
Dr. Evangelos Hristoforou, Professor, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Biography & Research Activities: In 2010, Dr. Hristoforou was appointed as Professor in the field of Electronic Materials at the Laboratory of Physical Metallurgy, School of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece. His research topics include magnetic materials and sensors. He has published more than 170 ISI journal papers, more than 50 conference papers and he holds 5 international patents (h-index:28).
Dr. Fabrizio Nardo, Director of Technology, Antifemo Srl, Italy
Biography & Research Activities: Technical Director of R&TIA; Consultancy in over 70 civil and criminal proceedings relating to violations of health and environmental standards. Owner of national and international patents on biochemical processes, biocatalysts, biomass plants using advanced biotechnology; Renewables Energy Sources technologies (PV, CSP, floating off-shore turbines, etc.) and large-scale fossil power plant technologies knowledge.
Dr. Francois Trochu, Adjunct Professor, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
Biography & Research Activities: Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engineering
Dr. Hairong Lei, Research Staff Engineer, ASML HMI, USA; Executive Vice President of Trademarkia, USA
Biography & Research Activities: Dr. Hairong Lei’s previous rich research experience covers many famous international companies at USA like Microsoft, Philips, Abbott, Thermo Fisher, and Agilent etc. His publications covers topics in both optics and computer science fields. He is a member of the International Editorial Board of the IEEE Advanced Computer Magazine (IJACT) and was the co-chair of the 2009-2012 IEEE Computer International Conference: He is also an Entrepreneur and was the Executive Vice President of Trademarkia, a US IP big data/Internet company, from 2012-2019.
Mr. Hadi Moztarzadeh, Senior Technology Officer, University of Warwick, UK
Biography & Research Activities: Dr Moztarzadeh is the Senior Technology Officer (STO) at WMG Centre High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult, where the main scope of his role is to Shape the technology strategy of WMG Centre and HVMC Catapult; also to drive collaboration across the HVM Catapult centres. Dr Moztarzadeh has been involved in a range of research activities from proposal/bid writing to supervising research projects and conference/journal publications. He has led three research projects to determine residual stress and microstructural evolution in Additive Manufacturing process of metallic parts in collaboration with ESRF and ILL, Grenoble France and ANSTO in Australia
Dr. Lidietta Giorno, Director, Institute on Membrane Technology of the National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Biography & Research Activities: Membrane bioengineering, biocatalytic membrane reactors, integrated membrane systems for bioseparations and bioconversions, downstream processing based on molecular separation, membrane chirotechnology, membrane emulsifier, integrated membrane operations for water treatment. She has been involved in membrane science, engineering research and development some 25 years, being involved in research co-operations at European and international level.
Pr. Nour-Eddine Fenineche, Professor, The University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), France
Biography & Research Activities: New metal hydrides for hydrogen storage using both Ab initio calculations and experimental elaboration. Elaboration of Nanomaterials for IT-SOFC Fuel Cells. Magnetic thin films for Sensors and actuators. DMS materials for spintronic applications, Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Coatings intended for magnetic shielding using HVOF and cold spraying, Smart Materials processed by Additive Manufacturing and 4D printing. His scientific production more than 120 papers in international reviews journals (refereed Journals), 117 international conferences reviewed and proceedings and more than 35 international conferences with personal invitation.
Dr. Oleksandr Malyuskin, Senior Lecturer, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Biography & Research Activities: The results of research have been published in more than 60 peer-reviewed papers and conference proceedings including IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagations, IEEE Transaction on instrumentation and Measurement, IET Science, Measurement & Technology,IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Radiophysics and Radioastronomy, Int. Journal of Numerical Modelling, etc. Five of my publications have been cited more than 200 times in high impact journals including Science and Nature Materials.
Dr. Rami Ahmad El-Nabulsi, Professor, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Biography & Research Activities: Rami Ahmad El-Nabulsi worked with different worldwide research departments in UK, South Korea, China, Greece, Thailand, India, etc. He is the author of more than 295 peer-reviewed papers in peer-refereed reputed journals and a reviewer for more than 100 scientific journals. His research ranges from applied mathematics to theoretical physics including nonlinear dynamical systems, space and astrophysics, general relativity and geometrical physics, physics and chemistry of solids, plasma MHD, neutronics and nuclear reactors, superconductivity and magnetic materials among others.
Dr. Sanjeev Sanghi, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, India
Biography & Research Activities: Dean, Alumni Affairs and International Programmes, IIT Delhi (2016-Present), Areas: Fluid Mechanics, Turbulence, Chaos, Dynamical Systems, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition applied to various fields of engineering
Dr. Vitalyi Igorevich Talanin, Full Professor and Scientific Consultant at the Khortytsia National Academy, Ukraine
Biography & Research Activities: Since 2012 Dr. Vitalyi Igorevich Talanin was the Full Professor and Vice-Chief of Computer Science & Software Engineering Dept. at the Institute of Economics & Information Technologies (Zaporozhye, Ukraine). Since 2019 he is the Full Professor and Scientific Consultant at the Khortytsia National Academy (Zaporozhye, Ukraine). Dr. Talanin was awarded a President Grant for Scientific Researches. Dr. Talanin has written 13 monographs and ca. 200 scientific papers.
Dr. Wael Zatar, Dean and Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Marshall University, USA
Biography & Research Activities: Prof. Wael Zatar serves as the Dean of the College of Information Technology and Engineering and was named the Distinguished J.H. Fletcher Chair of Engineering at Marshall University. Many factual references support the positive impacts Dr. Zatar has made in the engineering fields. A fellow of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, he received more than 80 awards and honors. He has 26 years of research and experience that gained him national and international acclaim as he made outstanding contributions to the education, research and development through receiving a plethora of significant funded research grants.