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World High Tech Society

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Scientific Program


The 9th World Energy Congress 2023

Theme: New Ideas, New Breakthroughs and New Outcomes


Time: May 17-19, 2023
Place: Osaka, Japan


Time: 09:00-21:00, May 16, 2023; Place: Lobby, 1F, Hyatt Regency Osaka

Opening Ceremony
Time: 09:00-09:10, May 17, 2023 (Wednesday); Place: Sapphire+Crystal, 2F, Hyatt Regency Osaka

Keynote Forum  

Time: 09:00-12:10, May 17, 2023 (Wednesday); Place: Sapphire+Crystal, 2F, Hyatt Regency Osaka
Moderator Dr. Peter B. Harrington, Professor, Ohio University, USA


Speeches and Speakers

 09:10-09:15 Moderator's Introduction
Title: Chiroptical Spectroscopy in the Solid State
Dr. Reiko Kuroda, Professor, Chubu University; Emeritus Professor of the University of Tokyo, Japan
Title: The Virtual Patient to Test Drugs In-Silic
Dr. Hans Leuenberger, Professor Emeritus, University of Basel, Switzerland
10:05-10:30 Title: Catalytic Activity and Colloidal Stability of Lipid-Palladium Nanoparticle Assemblies in Water
Young-Seok ShoProfessor, California State University, USA


Title: Integrating Smart Metals and Damage Resistant Materials in Replaceable Components for Bridges of the Future
Dr. M. Saiid Saiidi, Professor Emeritus, University of Nevada, Reno, USA
 10:55-11:20 Title: Machine Learning Opportunities for Chemical Analysis
Dr. Peter B. Harrington, Professor, Ohio University, USA
Title: Strategy of Hybrid Concept for the Sustainable "Coal-to Green Energy Transition" - Plan 2050 in Bulgaria
Dr. Georgi Dimitrov Todorov, Professor, Head of CoE “Mechatronics and clean technologies”, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
11:45-12:10 Title: Bound States in the Continuum and Non-Linear Wave Phenomena
Dr. Sergei V. Shabanov, Professor, University of Florida, USA


WEC 01: Latest Perspectives on Global Energy Policies and Utilization

Time: 09:00-12:00, May 18, 2023 (Thursday) ; Place: Katsura, 5F, Hyatt Regency Osaka

Chair Dr. Georgi Dimitrov Todorov, Professor, Head of CoE “Mechatronics and clean technologies”, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Co-Chair Dr. Janet Xuanli Liao, Associate Professor, The University of Dundee, Scotland, UK


Speeches and Speakers

09:00-09:05 Chair's Introduction
Title: China’s Carbon Neutrality Targets vs the Use of Coal
Dr. Janet Xuanli Liao, Associate Professor, The University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
Title: Development of New Energy Vehicle Transmission System Under the Dual Carbon Target
Dr. Yong Chen, Professor, Guangxi University, China
Title: Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries – Target-Actual Comparision: Limitations and Opportunities
Dr. Daniela Werlich, CTO, Customcells Holding GmbH TB Operations, Germany
Title: Module Approach and Puzzle of Innovations For Breakthrough in the Batteries Improvement in Benefit of Electric Vehicles Development, Within and Beyond of the European Helios H2020 Projec
Dr. Yavor Petrov Sofronov, Associate Professor, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Title: Decarbonization: The Journey to Carbon-free Systems
Dr. Gene Hinkle, Managing Director, General Electric Energy Consulting, USA
10:45-11:00   Coffer Break
Title: Trends and Emerging Technologies for the Development of Electric Vehicles
Dr. Tiande Mo, Head of Green and Smart Mobility, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Hong Kong, China
Title: A Novel Metallic Nuclear Fuel Design for High Burn-up Applications in Fast Neutron Reactors
Dr. Di Yun, Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Title: "Coup de fouet" Effect in Assessment of Battery's State of Health
Dr. Jaroslaw Milewski, Professor, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland


WEC 02: Novel Technologies on Green Energy and Energy Storage

Time: 09:00-12:15, May 19, 2023 (Friday) ; Place: Katsura, 5F, Hyatt Regency Osaka

Chair Dr. Jana Vejpravova, Professor, Charles University, Czech Republic
Co-chair Mr. Tjerk Reijenga, CEO, BEAR-iD, The Netherlands


Speeches and Speakers

09:00-09:05 Chair's Introduction
Session Keynote Speech
Title: Advances in Computational Materials Design for Energy Conversion
Dr. Hideaki Kasai, Professor, Osaka University, Japan
Title: Green Optoelectronics Based on Graphene and Van Der Waals Materials
Dr. Jana Vejpravova, Professor, Charles University, Czech Republic
Title: Devices Based on Graphene Heterostructures
Dr. Martin Kalbac, Professor, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Title: How BIPV Will Change the Built Environment
Dr. Mr. Tjerk Reijenga, CEO, BEAR-iD, The Netherlands
Coffee Break
Title: Utilization of Wave Energy by Hybrid System
Dr. Rositsa Velichkova, Associate Professor, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Title: CO2 Utilization in Advanced Power Generator and Olympic Ice Rink
Dr. Hua Tian, Professor, Tianjin University, China
Title: Preparation and adsorption properties of amine functionalized mesoporous humidity control material from light-emitting diode waste quartz sand and granite sludge
Ms. Ya-Wen Lin, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan


WEC 03: Video Forum

Title: The Energy Transition and Policy Implications of Customer Adaption of Electric Vehicles, Solar, and Domestic Batteries
Dr. Glen Currie, Lecturer, University of Melbourne, Australia
Title: The Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Operating with Overloaded Electrolytes in order to Enhance the Stored Energy Density
Dr. Théo Tzedakis, Professor, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, France
Title: Optimal Energy Management for A Stabilized Multi- microgrid Integration with Powergrid and Its Impacts
Dr. K. S. Saritha, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College Of Engineering, India
Title: Thermophilic Digestion of Solid Biomass (wheat husk)
Mr. Nirmal Halder, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineerig, Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Title: Energy Storage in Poland: Legal Status, Market Development Potential
Ms. Katarzyna Wypychewicz, Board Advisor, Polish Energy Storage Association, Poland



WEC 04: Poster

Title: Characterization and Cu2+ Adsorption of Ecological Hydroxyapatite Synthesized from Llimestone Sludge
Dr. Kae-Long Lin, Professor, National of ILan University, Taiwan


















Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

Abstract Format Download


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Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China

Tel: 0086-411-84799609

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