BIT's 3rd International Biotechnology Congress (IBC-2019)
★ Scientific Program
Preliminary Program
Session times on those days will not be finalized until the overall program schedule is completed.

Program Tracks
(Please click each Track for detailed program information)
Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum
Track 1: Industrial Microbiology and New Enzymes & Biocatalysis
Track 2: Novel Biomaterials
Track 3: Biomass and Bioenergy
Track 4: Environmental Biotechnology
Track 5: Green Bioprocess and Biomanufacturing

Track 1: Industrial Microbiology and New Enzymes & Biocatalysis

Track 101:  Industrial Microbiology and New Enzymes & Biocatalysis
Time: 13:30-17:10, October 25, 2019 (Friday); Place: Singapore

Dr. Holger Gohlke, Professor, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany

          Co-Chair  Dr. Rajan P. Adhikari, Assistant Director, Integrated Biotherapeutics Inc., USA
Chair’s Introduction

Title: Fibres from Starch: Isomaltopolysaccharides and Their Prebiotic Potential
Dr. Piet Buwalda,
Chief Science Officer, AVEBE, The Netherlands

Title: Separation, Isolation and Identification of Metabolic Biotransformation Products of a Novel 14c-Labeled Small Molecule (Compound X) into Proteins and Peptides in a Metabolism Study
Dr. Hudan Safarpour, CEO, Symbiotic Research, LLC, USA

Title: Identification and Classification of the Lactobacillus casei Group

Dr. Wen-Shen Chu, Director, Bioresource Collection and Research Center, Food Industry Research and Development Institute, Taiwan 


Title: Engineering of Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase Reveals pH-regulatory Mechanism of Enhanced Long Chain Glycosylated Sophoricoside Specificity

Dr. Ruizhi Han, Associate Professor, Jiangnan University, China


Title: Approaches in Computational Enzyme Engineering

Dr. Holger Gohlke, Professor, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany

Coffee Break

Title: Enzyme Discovery and Development at Novozymes for making Next Generation Sustainable Products

Dr. Ashish Paradkar, Director, R&D India

Novozymes South Asia, Pvt. Ltd.,India


Title: The Role of Host Proteases during Influenza Virus Infection

Dr. Irene Lorinda Indalao, Researcher, National Institute of Health Research and Development, MoH of Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia


Title: Using Allostery to Treat a Catastrophic Neurodegenerative Disorder

Dr. Stephen W. White, President and Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, USA


Title: Using Allostery to Treat a Catastrophic Neurodegenerative Disorder

Dr. Stephen W. White, President and Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, USA


Speech Opportunity Available 
Abstract and Biography: 
Submit Here


Online Registration
News Released

● The scientific program has updated
● Call for speakers, exhibitors and sponsors worldwide.
● Call for media partners and advertiser worldwide.     
● Call for paper

Hosting Organization

National Foreign Experts Databank of MOST (Dalian Branch)

Operating Organization

BIT Group Global Ltd.

Official Travel Agency

BIT World Travel Service, Inc.

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