BIT's 3rd International Biotechnology Congress (IBC-2019)
★ Scientific Program
Preliminary Program
Session times on those days will not be finalized until the overall program schedule is completed.

Program Tracks
(Please click each Track for detailed program information)
Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum
Track 1: Industrial Microbiology and New Enzymes & Biocatalysis
Track 2: Novel Biomaterials
Track 3: Biomass and Bioenergy
Track 4: Environmental Biotechnology
Track 5: Green Bioprocess and Biomanufacturing

Track 3: Biomass and Bioenergy

Track 301: Biomass Energy Policy, Market and Biomass Conversion Technologies
Time: 13:30-17:10, October 25, 2019 (Friday); Place: Singapore

Mr. Anthony Davey, Manager, Aquatec Maxcon Pty, Ltd., Australia

Chair’s Introduction

Title: The Role of Biomass in the Circular Economy.

Dr. Wolter Elbersen, Senior Researcher, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research,The Netherlands


Title: Understanding Wood Residue Streams: A Tasmanian Case Study

Dr. Gregory Nolan, Professor, University of Tasmania, Australia


Title: Aurora Waste to Energy Facility in Victoria – New Perspective on Energy Recovery

Mr. Anthony Davey, Manager, Aquatec Maxcon Pty, Ltd.,Australia


Title: Enhancing the Understanding and Application of Lignocellulolytic Enzymes by Mutagenesis for Cost-Effective Biomass Utilization

Dr. Wensheng Qin, Professor, Lakehead University, Canada


Title: Valorization of Lignocellulosic Biomass at Pilot Scale: Pretreatment Design Considerations Vs Operational Challenges

Dr. Peter Flippo, Business Development Manager, Bioprocess Pilot Facility (BPF), The Netherlands

Coffee Break

Title: DEMOnstration of Large SOFC System Fed with Biogas from Waste Water Treatment Plants

Mr. Armando Quazzo, Marketing & Development Manager, Società Metropolitana Acque Torino – SMAT S.p.A., Italy


Title: Microbial Conversion of Biomass

Dr. Pieternel Claassen, Senior Scientist, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, The Netherlands


Title: Biomass Conversion from Municipal Wastes to Useful Products - A Case of Bahir Dar City Near Lake Tana Basin- A Review

Mr. Biruk Abate, Lecturer and Researcher, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Archana Raghavan Sathyan,
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany


Speech Opportunity Available 
Abstract and Biography: 
Submit Here

Track 302: Biogas, Bioethanol and Biodiesel
Time: 13:30-16:30, October 26, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Singapore
Dr. Christian Eichhorst, Managing Director, Weber Entec GmbH & Co.KG, Switzerland
Chair’s Introduction

Title: Smart Instrument for Gas Volume and Flow Analysis with High Accuracy and Precision – Analytical Tool for Optimizing Biogas and Bioethanol Production

Dr. Jing Liu, Associate Professor, Lund University, Managing Director, Bioprocess Control Sweden AB, Sweden


Title: The Prospect of Carbon-Based Solid Acid Catalyst (CBSAC) in Biodiesel Production from Non-Edible Oil

Dr. Judy Retti Witono, Professor, Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia


Title: Under Preparation
Dr. Zygmunt Gzyra,


Title: Increase of Energy Efficiency and Dewaterability on WWTPs
Dr. Christian Eichhorst,
Managing Director, Weber Entec GmbH & Co.KG, Switzerland


Title: Separation of Volatile Fatty Acids from Biogas Plant Hydrolysates

Dr. Thorsten Jänisch, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT), Germany

15:15-15:30 Coffee Break

Title: Potential of Multivariate Statistical Process Monitoring Based on the Biogas Composition to Detect Free Ammonia Intoxication in Anaerobic Reactors

Mr. Eng. Sébastien Lemaigre, Senior Engineer, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg


Title: Bioaugmentation to Enhance Biogas Production From Organic Waste

Dr. Ying Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Speech Opportunity Available 
Abstract and Biography: 
Submit Here

Track 303: Biofuel from Wastes
Time: 08:30-11:20, October 27, 2019 (Sunday); Place: Singapore

Dr. Patrick R. Gruber, CEO, Gevo Incorporated, USA

09:00- 09:05
Chair’s Introduction

Title: Solving the Green House Gas Problem of Transportation Fuels: Decarbonization of Hydrocarbons

Dr. Patrick R. Gruber, CEO, Gevo Incorporated, USA


Title: Certification of Biofuels from Waste Material –Process, Challenges and Implications

Dr. Matthias Grill, Sustainability Scheme Manager, agroVet Certification, Austria

Title: Industrial-Size Biogas-Fed SOFC Systems: Experiences and Opportunities

Dr. Massimo Santarelli, Professor, Politecnico di Torino, Italy


Coffee Break


Title: Biorefining of Lignocelluloses: An Opportunity for Sustainable Biofuel Production
Dr. Lalini Reddy, Professor, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa


Title: Paradigm Shifts in Renewable Energy Resources

Mr. Steven J. Cooke, President, Process Systems Consulting, Philippines


Speech Opportunity Available 
Abstract and Biography: 
Submit Here


Online Registration
News Released

● The scientific program has updated
● Call for speakers, exhibitors and sponsors worldwide.
● Call for media partners and advertiser worldwide.     
● Call for paper

Hosting Organization

National Foreign Experts Databank of MOST (Dalian Branch)

Operating Organization

BIT Group Global Ltd.

Official Travel Agency

BIT World Travel Service, Inc.

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