BIT's 8th Annual World Congress of Ocean-2019 (WCO-2019)
Submission Guideline

1. The organizers of WMC-2019 invite abstracts within the scope of the meeting. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by experts and be scheduled for oral or poster presentation during the congress if the topic is relevant and the quality of the data justifies its scheduling. Irrelevant or poor-quality abstracts may be rejected.

Abstracts can be submitted by email or online via the congress website. It is advisable to prepare the complete abstract text and any figures/tables before abstract submission.

3. Abstracts need to written in clear English, taking into account the specifications below (see also sample on the next page):
a. Maximum word count abstract title: 20 words.

b. Maximum word count abstract/biography text: 300 words (adjust in case of tables./figures).

4.Abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. No editing of abstract texts will be done. However, non-adherence to the above guidelines may be corrected by the meeting organizers.

5. After submission, abstracts cannot be changed by the authors anymore. Should minor changes be necessary after submission, the submitting author should notify the WMC-2019 Secretariat by email, describing exactly the nature of the change to be made. The WMC-2019 organizers will then implement the change. In case of major changes, the authors should submit a revised abstract as an entirely new abstract and request the WMC-2019 Secretariat to delete the original abstract. The addition of a co-author constitutes a major change.

6. Abstracts cannot be withdrawn after receipt of the scheduling information by the submitting author. The presenting author must be registered as an WMC-2019 participant for final scheduling and publication of the abstract.

7. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Congress Proceedings. The authors of the submitted abstracts will take responsibilities of any Intellectual Property issues about the abstracts on their own. The organizing committee of WMC-2019 has the legal rights to use the submitted abstracts for conference purpose.

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