
Program Layout

The 16thAnnual World Congress of




Theme: From Research Frontiers to Best Therapeutics

Time: September 12-14, 2024

Venue: Shanghai, China



Program Layout

Stream 1: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum

Stream 2: Breakthroughs in Cancer Research

Stream 3: Cancer Prognostics and Diagnostics

Stream 4: Anti-cancer Drug Discovery

Stream 5: Clinical Oncology

Stream 6: Novel Cancer Therapeutics

Stream7: Cancer Prevention and Care

Stream8: Posters and Exhibitions

Stream9: Social & Cultural Activities


Preliminary Program

Stream 1: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum

Part 1: Opening Ceremony

Part 2: Keynote Forum

Stream 2: Breakthroughs in Cancer Research

Session 201: Molecular Carcinogenesis, Oncogenes and Tumor

Suppressors in Cancer

Session 202: Cancer Epigenetics and DNA Methylation

Session 203: Cancer Genetic, Cellular and Tissue Markers

Session 204: Novel Signal Transduction Pathways in Cancer


Session 205: Cancer Metabolism and Metabolic Pathways

Session 206: DNA Damage, Repair, Mutagenesis

Session 207: Apoptosis, Autophagy, Necroptosis and Cancers

Session 208: Microbiome and Cancer

Session 209: Tumor Microenvironment

Session 210: Circulating, Disseminated Tumor Cells and


Stream 3: Cancer Prognostics and Diagnostics

Session 301: Cancer Prognostic Biomarkers and Predictive


Session 302: Machine Learning and AI in Cancer Prognosis and


Session 303: Cancer Molecular Imaging and Nuclear Oncology

Session 304: Liquid and Synthetic Biopsies

Session 305: Novel Surgery Technologies in Improving

Diagnosis and Prognosis


Stream 4: Anti-cancer Drug Discovery

Session 401: New Cancer Targets Identification and Validation

Session 402: Anti-cancer Drug Delivery and Cancer Drug

Designing, Optimization

Session 403: Anticancer Drug Candidates Toxicity and Efficacy

in Animal Models

Session 404: Anticancer Drugs Clinical Trail

Session 405: Anticancer Drugs from TCM and Natural Products

Stream 5: Clinical Oncology

Session 501: Head, Neck, Brain Cancers, and CNS Tumors

Session 502: Nasopharyngeal, Eye and Oral Cancers

Session 503: Breast Cancer

Session 504: Ovarian and Cervical Cancer and Other

Gynecologic Cancer

Session 505: Liver, Cholecyst and Pancreatic Cancer

Session 506: Gastrointestinal Malignancies

Session 507: Lung Cancer

Session 508: Prostate Cancer

Session 509: Melanoma and Other Skin Tumors

Session 510: Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Multiple Myeloma

Stream 6: Novel Cancer Therapeutics

Session 601: Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Photodynamic

Therapy, Proton Beam Therapy and Hyperthermia Approaches

Session 602: Cancer Immunotherapy

Session 603: Advanced Targeted Cancer Therapies

Session 604: Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy

Session 605: Cancer Precision Medicine and Personalized Therapy

Session 606: Combination Therapy, Complementary and

Alternative Medicine

Stream 7: Cancer Prevention and Care

Session 701: Lifestyle, Exercise and Cancer Prevention

Session 702: Precision Prevention

Session 703:Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Prevention

Session 704:Cancer Palliative Care

Stream 8: Posters and Exhibitions

Stream8-1: Posters

Stream8-2: Exhibitions

Stream 9: Social & Cultural Activities

Activity 1: Joint-Gala Dinner with WCBID

Activity 2: Tech Tour to Campus and Industries



Activity 3: Local Tour in Shanghai

Activity 4: Customized Culture Tour to Other Cities

in China


WCC Europe Branch
Online Registration
News Released

Speaking Proposals Are Now Being Accepted

Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors

Call for Collaborative

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Operating Organizations
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