

Poster Abstract

There will be an exhibition and poster area around conference rooms and every attendee has the same opportunity to apply for a poster for your research result display. Young scientists and students are welcome to apply for these poster opportunities.

Posters should be reviewed before this conference. Please send a brief introduction of your poster with 300-400 words to before the deadline of the poster application August 15, 2024.

Poster Submitting 
Please send your PDF poster to Cathy with at least before August 15, 2024 for printed, as we do not accept the on-site poster which printed by the posters. 


Poster Guidelines
The regular poster size is 70 cm (wide) x 90 cm (high) with Vertical version. 
The text should be black and single spaced so that visitors can see it clearly from outside 1.5 meters
Display date is during September 12-14, 2024,
Set up date could be on September 11, 2024.

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