Global Congress of Knowledge Economy- 2019 (GCKE-2019)
Scientific Program
Scientific Program
  Plenary   G01: New Energy G02: IT/ICT & Smart Manufacturing G03: Innovative Finance & Corporate Globalization   G04: Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain G05: Smart Transportation & Autonomous Systems
G06: Smart City G07: Educational Innovation & Smart Classroom G08: Smart Commerce & Smart Sensors G09: Economic Sustainability  


Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain

Time: 13:30-15:55, September 21, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room 115B, 1st Floor, Qingdao International Conference Center, China


Dr. Xunwei Zhou, Professor, Beijing Union University, China


Mr. Karl J Weaver, OEM Biz Dev Director, Rivetz Corp, USA


Chair’s Introduction


Title: An Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Framework for Industrial Systems
Mr. Stephen Mellor, CTO, Industrial Internet Consortium, Germany


Title: An overview of standardization efforts of a Blockchain based OSS-BSS Platform 
Mr. Shahar Steiff, Director, PCCW Global, Hong Kong, China


Title: Membership Grade Mining of Mutually Inverse Fuzzy Implication Propositions 
Dr. Xunwei Zhou, Professor, Beijing Union University, China


Title: AI's Implementation: Methodology and Exlporation 
Dr. Jiayin Qi, Professor and Dean, Management School, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, China


Title: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Domain
Dr. Yasser Morgan, Associate Professor, University of Regina, Canada


Speech Opportunity Available 
Abstract and Biography: Submit Here


Speech Opportunity Available 
Abstract and Biography: Submit Here


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