★ Program Layout

The 4th International Congress of


Time: October 16-17, 2020

Theme: Decode the Life, Benefit the Future

Venue: Qingdao International Conference Center, Qingdao, China


Program Layout

Session 1: Innovation in Antibody Drug Development
Session 2: New Generation of Vaccine Development
Session 3: Protein and Peptide Therapies

Session 4: Stem-cell Therapy and Cell Therapy
Session 5: Gene Therapy
Session 6: Emerging Targeted Therapies
Session 7: Precision Medicine and Molecular Diagnosis
Session 8: Nano Biotechnology
Session 9: Advanced Biomaterials
Session 10: Novel Analysis Technology


Hosting Organization
Foreign Talent Research Center, MOST
China Chamber of International Commerce, Qingdao Chamber
Operating Organization
BIT Group Global Ltd.
Media Partners
Contact Us

Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609, Fax: 0086-411-84796897
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