ICM-2021 | Osaka, Japan
★ Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


On behalf of the organizing committee, I cordially welcome you to join the " BIT's 9th Annual International Congress of Medichem-2021 (ICM-2021), which will be held during May 17-19, 2021 in Osaka, Japan.


This congress will be an exclusive super Drug innovation and entrepreneurship conference serving Next Generation Pharma industries and cutting-edge technology development. It will provide entrepreneurial opportunities for innovative start-ups, and investors, expand upstream and downstream makers for large disruptive innovative companies, help shareholders to find investment projects, and offer better employment opportunities for high-tech talents, share comprehensive information with government decision makers and knowledge economy advocators for local development of bio-economy.


ICM-2021 is to pave the way for future research challenges and will serve as a platform to exchange new research, ideas and to discuss developments, applications, and business prospects in all areas of Medicinal Chemistry.

We look forward to meeting you in Osaka, Japan

Sincerely Yours,

Xiaodan Mei, Ph.D.
Executive Chair of ICM-2021
President, BIT Group Global Ltd.

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Hosting Organization

BIT Congress Inc.
Official Travel Agency

BIT World Travel Service, Inc.

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Add: Dalian Life Science Innovation Center, 43 Torch Road, Building 2, Floor 3, Dalian, LN 116023 China