ICM 2021 | Macao, China
★ Registration Instruction

Please enter your login user name and password. Do not use inverted commas or apostrophes in any entry. NOTE: Your user name and password will be needed for future usage of your personal registration page, please printout or note down the information for future reference. The registration of the accompanying person should be done on-line as well. Registration fee should be paid for accompanying person(s). Other Conference services (hotel accommodation, transfers, cultural program) should be ordered by the main participant.


After the registration you will receive an email, which contains a confirmation letter and receipt for your payment. In case you don’t receive such an email with 48 hours, please contact us at: mandy@bitcongress.com  

Abstract submission
Before starting the process of submitting your abstract please read the information in the "Papers & Abstracts". Prepare your abstract off-line and be ready to add it as an attachment during the abstract submission process in Word formats only.


If you have not registered yet please go to the "Online Registration" section and click "Register".


Once completed, click on "Send" Uploading the submission mat take a few minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connections, PLEASE BE PATIENT! Please review and edit before final submission by clicking on "Finish".

Hotel reservation for registered participants

If you book a double room, please indicate if you prefer twin beds or a double bed. Also please indicate the name of accompanying person (as a comment). If you have any other special requirement, please indicate as well!

News Updates
ͼ�� Speaking Proposals are Now Being Accepted
ͼ�� Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors
ͼ�� Call for Collaborative Partners, Media and Journals
Operating Organization

Information Research Center of International Talent, SAFEA
Official Travel Agency

BIT World Travel Service, Inc.

Contact Us

Copyright © 2009-2021, BIT Congress Inc.
Tel: 86-(0)41184799625
Add: Dalian Life Science Innovation Center, 43 Torch Road, Building 2, Floor 3, Dalian, LN 116023 China