Nano 2021 | Amsterdam, the Netherlands
★ Program Layout

Preliminary Program
Stream 1: Opening Ceremony & Keynote Forum
Stream 2: Scientific Program Part 3: High-end Dialog
Part 2: Keynote Forum Part 4: World Academician Forum
Stream 2: Scientific Program
Block 1: Breaking Research of Nano Science and Technology
Session 1-1: Frontiers of Nanochemistry Session 1-6: Nanorobotics and Nano AI
Session 1-2: Frontiers of Nanophysics Session 1-7: Quantum Dots & Quantum Wells
Session 1-3: Computation, Simulation & Modeling of Nanostructures and Nano Systems Session 1-8: Internet of Nano Things
Session 1-4: Nanotoxicology and Nanosafety Session 1-9: Nano-fluidics and Integrated Bio-chips
Session 1-5: Atom Catalysis and Nanocatalysis Session 1-10: Frontier of Nanobioscience
Block 2: New Nanomaterials
Session 2-1: Graphene & Fullerene and Other Carbon Nanomaterials Session 2-6: New Nanocomposites
Session 2-2: Advanced 2D Materials and Applications Session 2-7: Nano Metals and Alloys
Session 2-3: Nanoparticles Session 2-8: Diamond Nanomaterials
Session 2-4: Nanotube and Nanowires Session 2-9: Nanofiber
Session 2-5: New Nano-Thin Film Session 2-10: Smart Nanomaterials
Block 3: Nanofabrication and Characterization
Session 3-1: Innovative Patterning, Nanofabrication and Nanolithography Session 3-4: Nano Imaging and Microscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization
Session 3-2: Molecular Nanofabrication Session 3-5: Nano 3D Printing
Session 3-3: Synthesis, Preparation and Processing of Nanostructured Materials Session 3-6: Nanocoatings and Nano Surface Engineering
Block 4: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology
Session 4-1: Nano-imaging for Diseases Diagnosis and Therapy Session 4-5: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Nanomedicine
Session 4-2: Nanomedicine for Immune System and Cancer Diagnosis & Therapy Session 4-6: Nanotechnology and Translational Medicine
Session 4-3: Targeted Drug Delivery and Nanocarriers Session 4-7: DNA Nanotechnology
Session 4-4: Nanomaterials for Gene Delivery Session 4-8: Nano and Microsystems for Synthetic Biology and Biocatalysis
Block 5: Nano Electronics, Nano Optics, Nano Photonics and Nanomagnetism
Session 5-1: Nano Electronics and Molecular Electronics Session 5-4: Nanomagnetics & Magneto-optical Nanomaterials and Spintronics
Session 5-2: Nano Electronic Devices, Sensors, MEMS and NEMS Session 5-5: Metals, Semiconductors, Diamonds and Junction Devices
Session 5-3: Nano Optics, Nanophotonics, Nano Optoelectronics and Plasmonics & Metamaterials Session 5-6: Nano-Silicon and Silicon-Microelectronics
Block 6: Nanotech for Energy and Environment
Session 6-1: Nanotechnology for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, Storage and Novel Generation Session 6-4: Nanotech for Environment Monitoring, Protection and Remediation
Session 6-2: Applications of Nanotechnology in Energy Exploitation Session 6-5: Environment, Human Health and Safety Issues of Nanotechnology
Session 6-3: Nanotech for Fuel Cells and Solar Cells
Block 7: Nanotech for Other Applications
Session 7-1: Nanotech in Smart Textiles and Wearable Technology Session 7-6: Nanorobotics and Nanomanufacturing
Session 7- 2: Nanotech in Agriculture and Food Industry Session 7-7: Nanotechnologies for Security & Defense
Session 7-3: Nanotech in Chemical Industry and Nanocosmetics Session 7-8: Nanotechnologies for Construction Industry
Session 7-4: Nanotech in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Session 7-9: Nanotech in Mining and Metallurgy
Session 7-5: Nanotech in Automobile Industry Session 7-10: Potential Applications of Nanotechnology in Future Transportation
Block 8: Composite Material Forum
Stream 3: Business and Career Development
BCD 1: Request for New Idea Proposals BCD 4: Industry Park Briefing
BCD 2: When Entrepreneurs Meet with VCs BCD 5: Project Matchmaking
BCD 3: Business Plan Roadshow BCD 6: Meet with Mentors and Future Boss
Stream 4: Papers, Posters and Exhibitions
Part 1: Papers and Posters Part 2: Exhibition
Stream 5: Social & Cultural Activities
Activity 1: Pre-conference Ice-Breaking Party Activity 4: Lecture Tours to Campus
Activity 2: Welcome Banquet and Art Performance Activity 5: Field Trip to Industrial Park and Companies
Activity 3: Industrial Sponsored Cocktail Party Activity 6: Local Cultural Tours

Online Registration
News Updates
● Early Bird Register Now!
● Call for Supporting Organization, Media Partners, Journal and Paper
● Call for Advisory Board Members
● Call for Session Chairs and Speakers
●Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors

Operating Organization

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