The 11th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk-2020
★ Scientific Program

The 11th Annual World Congress of


Theme: Lifting Towards a New Horizon of Neuroscience

Time: December 2-4, 2020

Place: Singapore

Preliminary Program

Program Streams (Please click each Stream for detailed program information)

Stream 1: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum Stream 2: Parallel Forums
Stream 3: International Conference on Pain Stream 4: International Conference on Geriatrics and Gerontology


Stream 1: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum

Keynote Forum
Time: 09:00-12:00, December 2, 2020 (Wednesday)

Moderator: Dr. Amir H Kalali, Vice President, Quintiles Inc.; Professor, University of California, USA


Speeches and Speakers

09:00-09:05 Moderator's Introduction


Title: Digital Transformation of the Life Sciences: Implications for Patients and Industry
Dr. Amir H Kalali,
Vice President, Quintiles Inc.; Professor, University of California, USA

Title: Microglia Play Important Roles in Evoking Neuropathic Pain
Dr. Kazuhide Inoue,
Executive Vice President, Kyushu University, Japan


Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here


Title: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy combined with (LOKOMAT) Robotic Exoskeleton assisting neuroplasticity in Brain and Spinal Cord disabilities

Dr. Malcolm Hooper, Vice President, International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation (IHMF), Australia


Title: Current Treatment of Vertigo and Ataxia

Dr. Michael Strupp, Professor, Ludwig Maximilians University, Germany

Speech Opportunity Available
Abstract and Biography:
Submit Here



Hosting Organization
National Foreign Experts Databank of MOST (Dalian Branch)
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