The 11th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk-2020
★ Why Speak

We are on the lookout for leaders and experts both from industry and academia to speak NT- 2020.

Over the past several years, our highly successful Life Science events have attracted international speakers from top pharmaceutical and biotech companies, universities and research institutions. Focusing on quality content and bringing in only top-level speakers, our events have strongly established themselves as THE life science leading events to attend worldwide and have built a solid reputation as one of the most informative technical conferences. Below are just a few more reasons why you should be a speaker at this year's Conference:

 Meet the researchers across disciplines and disease sites face-to-face; 
 Network and exchange ideas with other experts; 
 Work with an intimate and targeted audience; 
• Raise your profile as a professional in the neurology field; 
 Use this opportunity to influence the realm through your ideas and perspectives;
 In addition your name will be on all brochures distributed to over 10,000 scientists worldwide;
 Have the unique opportunity to seal your corporate and academic presence; 
 Build up your comprehensive network. 
Speakers are carefully selected to represent a diversity of experience, personalities, ideologies, and viewpoints. These speakers will be renowned experts who have demonstrated outstanding thought, influenced innovation achieved success in their neurology efforts. If you would like to submit a proposal to give a presentation or display a poster at this congress, please send us an abstract and brief us a 3-5sentence summary of a proposed topic on your recent work in the area of Drug Discovery.

Speaker roles

What sort of speakers are there and what are their roles? 
Keynote speakers present the first session or key session at the conference and receive the highest billing in all event marketing. Their role is to open the conference with a high-level speech that sets the tone for the whole event.

A chairman's role is to make a few opening remarks at the start of the sessions and symposium, introduce each speaker, field questions from the audience (asking a couple of his/her own if there are none from the floor) and keep everything to time. Chairman will be asked to make announcements to delegates and they remain on/near the stage throughout the day.

Session speaker
Individual speakers are required to prepare a 20–25 minutes presentation, with slides. They will be introduced by the chairman and then allowed to speak, free of interruption, for the allocated time slot, allowing for 5-10 minutes of questions from the audience at the end (which the chairman will facilitate).

Hosting Organization
National Foreign Experts Databank of MOST (Dalian Branch)
Media Partners

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Contact Us

Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609, Fax: 0086-411-84796897
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