WCO-2023 Report
The 11th Annual World Congress of Ocean-2023 (WCO 2023), which was held in Hotel emisia Sapporo, Japan during November 15-17, 2023, achieved a consummation. The significant event was proudly hosted by China Association for International Exchange of Personnel and World High Technology Society, operated by China Association for International Exchange of Personnel Japan Representative Office, Shenzhen Center for International Exchange of Personnel and BIT Group Global Ltd., The event integrated some other parallel conferences together, which were The 4th International Congress of Environment (ICE), The 5th World Congress of Education (WCE), The 8th Annual Global Congress of Knowledge Economy (GCKE), etc. Following meticulous preparation, over 100 specialists from 28 different countries and regions joined us in this collaborative endeavor.
Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum

Parallel Forum and Discussion
As with previous editions, the primary aim of this meeting continued to facilitate the exchange of ideas among leading academic scientists and research scholars. Together, the experts explored critical topics related to ocean, aquaculture and environmental preservation and development. The event featured keynote lectures, poster exhibitions, and oral presentations on a wide range of cutting-edge subjects, offering valuable opportunities for learning and networking. This event comprised 24 parallel sessions, and in each of the subject tracks, participants discussed challenges, approaches and action points.

Posters Coffee Break Welcome Banquet Welcome Banquet