
News Released

Speaking Proposals Are Now Being Accepted
Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors
Call for Media Partners and Journal Cooperation

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Program Layout

Hosting Organization

World High Tech Society

Supporting Organizations


DNV Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Media Partners


The International Exchange of Professionals - Thematic Event in Sustainable Development was successfully held during November 12-14, 2024 at Aloft Singapore Novena. The meeting was proudly hosted by World High Technology Society, efficiently operated by Shenzhen Center for International Exchange of Personnel and BIT Group Global Ltd., and received strong support from China Association for International Exchange of Personnel, IMarEST as well as DNV Singapore Pte. Ltd. It integrated 6 distinct parallel meetings together, which were The 12th Annual World Congress of Ocean, The 6th World Congress of Education, The 9th Annual Global Congress of Knowledge Economy, The 10th World Energy Congress, The 11th Annual World Congress of Food and Nutrition, and The 5th International Congress of Environment. Following the meticulous preparation, nearly 180 specialists from 41 countries and areas joined us in this endeavor.

The Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum took place on the morning of the first day of the meeting, and the world-leading scientists, Mr. Esa Nikunen, General Director, Environment Services, City of Helsinki, Finland; Dr. Elaine Chapman, Deputy Head, University of Western Australia, Australia; Dr. Koh Chan Ghee, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore; Dr. Les Alexander, CEO, The Battery Innovation Center, USA; Dr. Michael Owen, Professor, Brock University, Canada; Dr. Wei Liu, Full Professor, GGC School of Science and Technology, USA; Mr. Andrew Wong, Regional Manager, APAC, IMarEST, Singapore presented the keynote lectures. Dr. Wei Liu moderated the two parts and did a very excellent job. Mr. Esa Nikunen gave welcome speeches at the opening and expressed great gratitude to the presence of all delegates, speakers and participants and particularly wished all the guests a memorable stay in Singapore on behalf of the organizing committee. Eminent session speakers from various reputed companies and Universities made their resplendent presence and addressed the gathering. As with previous editions, the cluster meeting is known for uplifting the future of the research fields by encouraging scientists and fellow researchers to present their work through oral &video speeches and poster presentations. Hot topics on Ocean, Education, Knowledge Economy, Energy, Food & Nutrition, Environment etc.. were hotly discussed and exchanged by presenters and visitors in the three-day’s diversified program. Conference organizers took the privilege of felicitating Keynote Speakers, Chair and Co-chairs whose support made conference a great success and also thank all other attendees who contributed a lot for the smooth functioning of the event.

Before and after the conference, we received warm support and valuable suggestions from the delegates on how to better plan and organize the next conference. With the enormous feedback from the participants and supporters, our 2025 meetings will be more successful. We look forward to meeting you all next year.


● 100+ Oral Presentations Covering the Hot Topics and Cutting-Edge Technology in the Field of Ocean
● 200+ Professional Attendees Coming from All over the World for Unrivalled Networking
● Abundant Activities including Scientific Meetings, Panel Discussion, Project Matchmaking, Investment and Career Development, Tours etc.
● Opportunity to Present Your Work and Forge New Collaborations
● Opportunities to Visit Famous Scenic Spots & Historical Sites in Singapore



The 12th Annual World Congress of Ocean-2024 (WCO-2024) will be held during November 12-14, 2024 in Singapore. WCO series congress contribute to offering professionals in the field of ocean a multidisciplinary informative cooperative platform, and it has been the most definite and grand Ocean event in Asia. The conference offers the business leaders, academic researchers and government agents around the world to meet and exchange ideas in research technologies and application experiences face to face, finding gaps in the technology development and build future collaboration. The 3-day conference is an effective series of activities including Plenary Forum, Parallel Sessions, Welcome Banquet, Exhibitions, Posters and Tours etc.


● 100+ Oral Presentations Covering the Hot Topics and Cutting-Edge Technology in the Field of Ocean
● 200+ Professional Attendees Coming from All over the World for Unrivalled Networking
● Abundant Activities including Scientific Meetings, Panel Discussion, Project Matchmaking, Investment and Career Development, Tours etc.
● Opportunity to Present Your Work and Forge New Collaborations
● Opportunities to Visit Famous Scenic Spots & Historical Sites in Singapore


Exhibition and Poster

WCO-2024 provides an ideal platform to showcase your novel technologies and products. It is developed to offer comfort to delegates while maximizing exhibitor exposure, the coffee breaks and poster sessions will all take place in the exhibition area promoting frequent repeated opportunities for delegates to visit the exhibits.

Why Reserve a Booth at WCO-2024
● To Meet Face-to-Face with the International Movers and Shakers
● To Meet with Key Decision Marker
● To Explore Business Opportunities
● To Spotlight Advanced Technologies and Their Scientific and Commercial Applications
● To Take Advantage of the Conference's Captive Audience and Networking Opportunities within the Exhibition Hall


Exhibition Date:
Set-up date: November 11, 2024
Show dates: November 12-14, 2024, 09:00-18:00
Place: Singapore

Introduction of Singapore


Located in Southeast Asia, with a territory of only 710 square kilometers, Singapore is one of the world's most pocket-sized countries and the smallest country in this region, hence is nicknamed "The Little Red Dot". Despite its small size, Singapore has an significant place in the world with its free trade economy and efficient labor force. In addition, it has become the central port of the main cargo routes by virtue of its strategic position in this region. As a multi-ethnic country, Singapore is unique in "harmony but difference". In addition to numerous sightseeing and activities, encountering the local culture and customs will give you the ultimate tourism experience.

Previous Event Photo

Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

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