This event provides your company with an unparalleled marketing opportunity to get before industry decision-makers. Exhibiting can be one of the most efficient, effective and successful marketing activities available to you. The exhibition provides a unique place for companies, institutions and general suppliers of to exhibit their products, technologies and services to a captive audience. |
*Position your products, services, and technologies in front of key leaders in the field of Ocean
*Maintain your competitive advantage within the scientific community
*Meet prospective customers
*Receive discounts on conference registration
*Access to the post-event mailing list
Exhibitor Benefits:
*One booth (3mX2m)
*Company listing in the conference proceedings distributed to over 10,000 researchers worldwide
*Link to your website from the conference website
*Program Guide & Event Directory Company listing including contact information and description.
*Your company listing including contact information and a 100 word description in the program guide and event directory.
*One registration for full access to all conference sessions
*Lunch during the exhibition and welcome banquet (for one person)
*One registration for access to the booths only (no access to conference sessions)
*Discount for additional conference registrations
*Post conference mailing opportunity
*Your company promotional materials distributed in conference tote bags
*Promotional mailing offering a discount to the conference for your customers. You provide the list, and we will mail the information to your customers.
Booth Reservation Procedures
1. Please register and then email We will reply promptly to assist you to select an available booth in an ideal location.
Booth assignment: the earlier one applies and pays, the earlier this booth will be assigned.
2. After completing the Exhibit Contract please stamp it with an authoritative seal then fax or email it to the organizing committee. Written confirmation will be made by fax or email when the application is accepted.
3. Upon confirmation, the exhibition fee will be paid to the organizing committee within 5 business days. The booth will not be reserved until payment has been received.
4. Deadline for booth applications is September 30, 2019
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations made before July 30, 2019 will be refunded 50% of the booth price. Cancellations made after August 30, 2019 are not eligible for refunds. The organizing committee will retain the full booth price, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages to re-sell or reassign the booth space.
David Zhang
Organizing Committee of WCAF-2019
East Wing, 11F, Dalian Ascendas IT Park
No. 1 Hui Xian Yuan, Dalian Hi-tech Industrial Zone
LN 116025, P.R.China
Tel: 0086-18840891067 |