Scientific Program
Block 5: Interdisciplinary Innovation and Industrial Application of Catalysts
Path 5-1: Catalysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Time: 13:30-17:10, April 25, 2022 Monday) Place: Macao, China |
Chair: Call for Host |
Time |
Speeches and Speakers |
13:30-13:35 |
Chair's Introduction |
13:35-14:00 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
14:00-14:25 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
14:25-14:50 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
14:50-15:15 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
15:15-15:30 |
Coffee Break |
Path 5-2: Biotechnology and Catalysts
Time: 08:30-12:10, April 26, 2022 (Tuesday) Place: Macao, China |
Chair: Call for Host |
Time |
Speeches and Speakers |
08:30-08:35 |
Chair's Introduction |
08:35-09:00 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
09:00-09:25 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
09:25-09:50 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
09:50-10:15 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
10:15-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Path 5-3: Catalysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Time: 13:30-17:10, April 26, 2022 (Tuesday) Place: Macao, China |
Chair: Call for Host |
Time |
Speeches and Speakers |
13:30-13:35 |
Chair's Introduction |
13:35-14:00 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
14:00-14:25 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
14:25-14:50 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
14:50-15:15 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
15:15-15:30 |
Coffee Break |
Path 5-4: Energy and Fuel Catalysis
Time: 08:30-12:10, April 27, 2022 (Wednesday) Place: Macao, China |
Chair: Call for Host |
Time |
Speeches and Speakers |
08:30-08:35 |
Chair's Introduction |
08:35-09:00 |
Keynote Speech Title: Recent Advances in Non-thermal Plasma-enhanced Catalysis for Energy and Fuels: Low-Temperature One-Step Reduction of SO2 and H2S to Elemental Sulfur Dr. Chunshan Song, Wei Lun Professor of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the Pennsylvania State University, USA |
09:00-09:25 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
09:25-09:50 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
09:50-10:15 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
10:15-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Path 5-5: Environmental Catalysis
Time: 08:30-12:10, April 27, 2022 (Wednesday) Place: Macao, China |
Chair: Dr. Xu He, Lecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, China |
Time |
Speeches and Speakers |
08:30-08:35 |
Chair's Introduction |
08:35-09:00 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
09:00-09:25 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
09:25-09:50 |
Title: TBD Dr. Forest Shih Sen Chien, Associate Professor, Tunghai University, Taiwan |
09:50-10:15 |
Title: The Application of Novel Catalytic Fenton-like System for Water Treatment Dr. Xu He, Lecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, China |
10:15-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Path 5-6: Green Chemistry
Time: 13:30-17:10, April 27, 2022 (Wednesday) Place: Macao, China |
Chair: Dr. Maocong Hu, Associate Professor, Jianghan University, China |
Time |
Speeches and Speakers |
13:30-13:35 |
Chair's Introduction |
13:35-14:00 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
14:00-14:25 |
Title: Mechanistic Insights into NO‒H2 Reaction over Pt/boron-doped Graphene Catalyst Dr. Maocong Hu, Associate Professor, Jianghan University, China |
14:25-14:50 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
14:50-15:15 |
Title: A New Way for Obtaining NO2 and a Chemical Machine for Its Production Dr. Dmitry Rudakov, Junior Researcher, Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry SB RAS, Russia |
15:15-15:30 |
Coffee Break |
Hosting Organization
Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)
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