GCC 2022 | Macao, China

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Rescheduled Notice

With cases of Covid-19 reaching new heights in the world, some states have to adapt rapidly with their rules and regulations. After seeking advice from the some agency and venue hotel in Macau, also considering the traffic control and epidemic prevention, the committee must admit this April is not a good time for holding an event. So after serious consideration, the organizing committee decides to postpone this meeting to Jan. 09-11, 2023 at Sapporo, Japan. Sincerely hope you can understand such a demanded action.

Apart from protecting our participants, rescheduling non-essential gathering and travel also aims to contain the spread of coronavirus disease and protect the health system which will otherwise be overwhelmed. Thank you very much for your understanding in the complex situation.

Event Committee

Introduction of GCC-2022

GCC-2022, with the theme of "Greener, Smarter and Sustainable Development," aims to provide a highly qualified scientific program. It will emphasize multidisciplinary collaboration to promote the development of catalysis. Through innovative scientific achievements and discuss current issues of mutual interest to improve the quality of human life and seek insights to solve the problems around us. In this regard, we certainly believe that GCC-2022 will provide a variety of opportunities to exchange ideas and expertise as well as network with worldwide research groups.

Highlights of the GCC-2022

• Designing 40+ Hot Sessions of Scientific Forums, Dialogs and Roundtables
• Shooting for 150+ Oral Presentations in Whole Spectrum of Catalytic Fields
• Gathering 200+ Posters and Exhibitors in Cutting-edge Technologies and Novel Bioproducts
• Bringing in 20+ Professional Media Supporters
• Experiencing a Romantic Atmosphere of Macao and China


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Irene M. C. Lo

Chair Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Hong Kong, China

Dr. Thomas J. J. Muller

Chair Professor of Organic Chemistry, Heinrich-Heine-Universitat,
Düsseldorf, Germany

Renowned Speakers of Previous Events

Dr. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski

Professsor, Carnegie Mellon University,

Dr. Flora Ng

Professor, University of Waterloo

Dr. Marc Taillefer

President of the French Chemical Society,

Dr. Xiyun Yan

Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Dr. Craig L. Hill

Professor, Emory University

Dr. Jiujun Zhang

Professor, Shanghai University

Dr. Richard D. McCullough

Professor, Harvard University,

Dr. Jae Woo Lee

Professor, KAIST,
South Korea

Dr. Irene Lo, Professor

The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong,

Dr. Changwei Hu

Professor, Sichuan University,

Dr. P. Andrew Evans

Alfred R. Bader Chair in Organic Chemistry and a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Queen‘s University,

Dr. Holger Braunschweig

Chair, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Würzburg,

Dr. Buxing Han

Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Dr. Michael Bowker

Professor, Cardiff University,

Dr. Zidong Wei

Professor and Dean, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University,

Dr. Brian M. Stoltz

Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Professor, California Institute of Technology,

Dr. Martin G. Banwell

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry; Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science; Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand; Professor, The Australian National University,

Dr. Bao-Lian Su

Fellow of Royal Academy of Belgium; Professor, University of Namur

Dr. Chris Wai

VP, BASF East Asia Regional Head quarters Ltd., Hong Kong,

Dr. Carlo Perego

Senior Vice President, Eni S.p.A.,


Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

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Contact Us

Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China

Tel: 0086-411-84799609 EXT 813

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