GCC 2022 | Macao, China

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Speakers of Previous Conferences

Dr. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski

Professsor, Carnegie Mellon University,
USA (GCC-2017)

Dr. Flora Ng

Professor, University of Waterloo
Canada (GCC-2017)

Dr. Marc Taillefer

President of the French Chemical Society,
France (GCC-2017)

Dr. Xiyun Yan

Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
China (GCC-2017)

Dr. Craig L. Hill

Professor, Emory University
USA (GCC-2017)

Dr. Jiujun Zhang

Professor, Shanghai University
China (GCC-2017)

Dr. Richard D. McCullough

Professor, Harvard University,
USA (GCC-2016)

Dr. Jae Woo Lee

Professor, KAIST,
South Korea (GCC-2016)

Dr. Irene Lo, Professor

The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong,
China (GCC-2016)

Dr. Changwei Hu

Professor, Sichuan University,
China (GCC-2016)

Dr. P. Andrew Evans

Alfred R. Bader Chair in Organic Chemistry and a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Queen‘s University,
Canada (GCC-2015)

Dr. Holger Braunschweig

Chair, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Würzburg,

Dr. Buxing Han

Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
China (GCC-2015)

Dr. Michael Bowker

Professor, Cardiff University,
UK (GCC-2015)

Dr. Zidong Wei

Professor and Dean, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University,
China (GCC-2015)

Dr. Brian M. Stoltz

Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Professor, California Institute of Technology,
USA (GCC-2014)

Dr. Martin G. Banwell

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry; Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science; Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand; Professor, The Australian National University,,
Australia (GCC-2014)

Dr. Bao-Lian Su

Fellow of Royal Academy of Belgium; Professor, University of Namur
Belgium (GCC-2014)

Dr. Chris Wai

VP, BASF East Asia Regional Head quarters Ltd., Hong Kong,
China (GCC-2013)

Dr. Carlo Perego

Senior Vice President, Eni S.p.A.,
Italy (GCC-2013)

Dr. Martin Hayes

Global Technical Manager, Johnson Matthey Chemicals GmbH,
Germany (GCC-2013)

Dr. Robert H. Morris

Professor, University of Toronto
Canada (GCC-2013)

Dr. Olaf Hinrichsen

Dean, Technische Universitat Munchen,
Germany (GCC-2013)

Dr. Zhong-Yong Yuan

Professor, Nankai University,
China (GCC-2013)

Dr. Scott R. Gilbertson

Professor, University of Houston,
USA (GCC-2012)

Dr. Takeo Kawabata

Professor, Kyoto University,
Japan (GCC-2012)

Dr. Paul R. Hanson

Professor, University of Kansas,
USA (GCC-2012)

Dr. Anabella Villalobos

Vice-President, Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development,
USA (GCC-2012)

Dr. Hassane Oudadesse

Professor, University of Rennes 1,
France (GCC-2012)

Dr. Shu-Hui Chen

Chief Scientific Officer, WuXi AppTec.
China (GCC-2012)

Dr. Iwao Ojima

Distinguished Professor, Stony Brook University,
USA (GCC-2011)

Dr. P. Andrew. Evans

Professor, University of Liverpool,
UK (GCC-2011)

Dr. Mark Lautens

Professor, University of Toronto,
Canada (GCC-2011)

Dr. Leonard R. MacGillivray

Professor, University of Iowa
USA (GCC-2011)

Dr. David Berkowitz

Professor, University of Nebraska,
USA (GCC-2010)

Dr. Qi-Lin Zhou

Professor, Institute of Elemento-organic Chemistry, Nankai University,
China (GCC-2010)

Dr. Xumu Zhang,

Professor, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Rutgers University,
USA (GCC-2010)

Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

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